Maya PolyUnbevel and PolyUnchamfer leverage the Maya Python API 2.0 (MIterators, MFNMesh etc.) for mesh traversal and topological sorting. MVector and MMatrix are used for solver calculations.
All the following scripts utilize a custom vector calculus / linear algebra library within Maya API 2.0. In essence, it's an augmented version of Blender's mathutils.geometry, providing Linear Algebra and Vector Calculus solvers for a wide array of intersection, projection, interpolation, and collision scenarios.
Since all vector and matrix calculations are done utilizing Maya API 2.0 exclusively, there is no dependency on NumPy and backwards compatibility with Maya 2018 - 2022 is maintained without an additional third-party package, simplifying distribution.
- Much of the heavy lifting for these tools is done within the Maya API. After solver calculations and topological sorting are finished, final mesh manipulation is pushed to Maya Cmds. This allows for PolyUnchamfer and PolyUnbevel to take advantage of Maya's built-in Undo functionality without the overhead of a custom polyModifier subclassed plugin. This represents a best of both worlds approach, Maya API 2.0 for fast vector and matrix operations, as well as pulling internal geometry data, and Maya Cmds for final geometry manipulation and undo.
- Much attention was paid into data organization during script execution. Since API calls tend to incur a heavy performance penalty, at a high level, script execution first deals with the Maya API exclusively, querying necessary component level information with the MIterator classes, and making necessary solver calculations with MMatrix and MVector. When transformation targets are finalized, all component transformations are pushed to a single Maya CMDS call. This allows for these tools to leverage Maya's built-in undo functionality, despite heavy use of the Maya API.
- A 3D implementation of the Closest Point of Approach (CPA) Algorithm for Collision Detection
- Distance of closest approach
- 3d coordinate geometry skew lines
- Leveraging Maya API 2.0 Mesh Function Sets, topological sorting per edge solver is determined by the each edge's edge-vertex valence pair.
- Valence refers to the number of connected edges per vertex, with two vertices per selected edge
- Lets take one edge within a potential PolyUnchamfer input selection as a simple example:
Let Vertex_A and Vertex_B comprise the edge-verticies of Edge1
Maya API edge sort return valence values per edge-vertex...
Vertex_A valance = 4
Vertex_B valance = 3
Valence pair values are then sorted in ascending order wherein (4,3) -> (3,4)
A valence pair of (4,3) => Line Plane Solver(3,4) for that edge
In this way, each edge-vertex valence pair maps to one of the solvers listed in the following section:
Recursive 3-Way Skew Lines Solver (4,4):
The 3-Way Skew Solver is triggered when selected edge(s) belong to a
trianglualr face, such as in the case of corner chamfers.
Skew Line Solver (4,4):
The most common case, wherein no precise edge vector intersection exists.
Line Line Solver (4,4):
The most straight-forward case, wherein a perfect vector intersection exists
and no CPA Skew solver is required.
Plane Plane Solver (3,3):
A rare topological case, such as a partially chamfered cube.
Line Plane Solver (4,3):
A common topological case when a cylinder whose top face is an N-gon is
chamfered or when you chamfer the top face of a cube.
Multi-Line Plane / Skew Line Solver (4+,4):
A rare topological case wherein there are more than 4 edges connected to one
Edge-Vertex (see example below).
In this instance, UnChamfer will run a skew lines solver on each potential edge
option, and select the edge that yields the minimum distance to intersection
(CPA), assuming no intersection is found.
Labeled Edge-Vertex Valence Pairs:
- User Selection: 2 Edges -- adjacent to the beveled geometry.
- The World-Space coordinates of each edge-vertex are stored for each edge, allowing for edge selection recorvery post topology modification, when vertex and edge IDs have changed and the original selection IDs are no longer valid.
- Edge ring selection is triggered, selecting the interior edge loops.
- In the rare case that the partial edge ring selection edge count is greater than the outer ring, a 3 edge selection can be made to indicate which part of the edge ring to trigger unbevel on. (See Timelapse)
- The original selection is excluded from the current ring selection.
- This interior edge ring is extended full edge loops and deleted.
- Edge and Vertex IDs have changed due to topological modification of the mesh.
- Using each original edge's World-Space coordinates, edge centers are calculated and projected to the mesh via Maya API calls to MPointOnMesh.
- A minimum delta vector is calculated between the original edge vector mid-point and the mid-point of each newly created edge.
- The original edge selections yield MPointOnMesh delta vectors with a magnitude close to 0.
- This allows recovery of the original edge selection, despite the edges having a newly assigned edge ID.
- The original edge selection is then converted to faces.
- The common face amongst each 'ConvertToFaces' call is filtered and selected.
- The current face selection is converted to edges.
- The original selection edges are removed.
- Edge Ring selection is triggered.
- PolyUnChamfer is called.
- Easily align and snap objects or components along an active axis or plane during layout or modeling tasks
- Aim lights, Aim Constraints, or align deformers when lighting or rigging
- Avoid misclicks or undesired tool handle activation by implementing allowing snapping to work solely based on cursor position
- Axis Constraint Snap along axis [X, Y, Z]
- Object or Component full snap [XYZ]
- Object or Component Planar Snap along active tool handles [XY, YZ, ZX]
- Snap to edge center and face centers as well as components
- SnapAlign extends Maya's Keep Spacing to include components and objects for easy alignment and snapping
- SnapAlign snaps to nearest component or object solely based on cursor position
- The cursor snap algorithm implements a similar algorithm to Maya's Pre-selection highlighting
- Converts between the PyQt5 Screen Space coordinate system and the Maya API Screen Space coordinate system to determine the nearest component or object to the cursor without clicking
- Activate gizmo tool handles closest to cursor without clicking
- Modify Duplicate Special directions + or - (X, Y, Z) based on the cursor position relative to selected object's orientation axis
- Easily transform deformers or joints by 90 degree increments based on cursor position
- Avoid misclicks or undesired tool handle activation by allowing snapping to work solely based on cursor position
- Easily Extensible to any other Maya tools, think of SmartActivate as a modifier to any Maya command that takes directional input
- Gizmo Tool Handles create two vectors per axis, in the positive and negative directions of X, Y, Z
- These 6 vectors are projected from 3D space into Maya API Screen Space
- The Gizmo/Object Origin is projected from 3D space into Maya Api Screen Space
- PyQt5 Cursor Position coordinates are converted into API Screen Space coordinates
- In Screen Space, a 2D vector is created from the cursor position to the object position in 2D Screen Space
- Delta Angles are computed between the Mouse Vector and the 6 Screen Space vectors, with the minimum delta returning the closest Axis or Tool Handle to the cursor.
- In the case of orthographic alignment of the 3D camera, that axis is excluded from axial comparisons.
Targeting determined solely based on cursor hover position
Align to faces, edges, or vertices
Aim Objects Axis to a selected vertex with axis determined by the active tool handle
Newly created objects at World-Space origins will have their pivots automatically shifted to -Y prior to surface alignment
Objects orientation on the alignment surface faces the edge most in alignment with World-Space Y
TODO: add Prim ALign demo with surface orientation aligned to second closest component
TODO: add prim align when snap to face project to nearest edge or vert to cursor auto aim
TODO: when align to edge aim at nearest vert to cursor of the two edges
TODO: add a duplicate mode with rivets (chain with duplicate in another hotkey)
TODO: duplicate special with tool handle activation
TODO: smooth preview toggle
Make videos...
DONE: do an angle comparison between the cursorpos2facecenterVector and each
facecenter2edge projection? makes it easier on tight spaces
DONE: add prim align when snap to face project to nearest edge or vert to cursor auto aim
DONE: when align to edge aim at nearest vert to cursor of the two edges
DONE: duplicate special with tool handle activation
DONE: add a duplicate mode with rivets (chain with duplicate in another hotkey)
Aligns objects to the component (edge center face center OR vertex normal) under the cursor. If the object is a newly created primitive at world center PrimAlign will move and bake the selected Object's Object Space -Y bounding box to the grid floor prior to alignment transform. This allows for deterministic alignment of the object's ground plane to the target geometry's alignment plane.
Secondary Function, when an active axis of the move tool is selected and a component is selected, PrimAlign will aim the active axis towards the component center. Either edge center or face center for edges and faces, or vertex if a vertex is selected.
Relative spacing on or off to stack objects Built a snapping system from the ground up Calculates the face center of a polygon even if a real vertex does not exist easy align objects all the math same challenges data and math select nearest face center edge center or vertex purely based on cursor position no clicking then snap and align predictive always Y UP works with vertex edges and faces too
PLANEFLATTEN Consecutive Faces selected will align the first face to the second face ALONG the connected edges as vector Angles
Seperated Face selections will porject along the vectors of each face, results in a skew like effect per face towards the target plane alignment
Select 3 vertex of a non planar face and planar align that face while respecting surround geometry
- Increase Artist Productivity with a fully customizable layout that requires minimal setup time.
- Reduce ulnar deviation and RSI by ergonomically prioritizing the home row keys whilst still being flexible enough for full customization if needed (including Left vs Right hand support).
- Integrate new applications as production needs change with relative ease.
- Integrate a Python to Autohotkey Parser, allowing for mapping overrides that are not natively supported in a specific DCC application.
- Autohotkey code is procedurally generated, dynamically updated, commented, and documented for easy reference like so.
#IfWinActive ahk_exe Photoshop.exe
; Decrease Brush Size <- The actual photoshop command name
SendInput, {[}
; ... repeat for every key
- Fully automate the generation of a key map chart for each Application layout within an HTML webpage, including Autohotkey mappings, allowing artists to quickly reference an entire layout all at once.
- Output native application configuration files, such as a UserConfig.kys file (Photoshop), XML (Fusion360), Moi.ini (Moi3d), StartupHotkeys.txt (Zbrush), etc.
- Provide utility functions for quick key map updates, diffing against existing configurations, and backing up configurations using a SNV like Git.
Photoshop's Javascript API was utilized to generate the key map visualizer procedurally.
Every key label has 8 associated slots for possible key maps.
Each Key label is a text layer in the PSD file.
Offset Vectors from each text layers coordinates were calculated for each associated hotkey slot using the following script via the Photoshop API, generating a unique empty text layer per modifier slot.
The PSD file was then output as HTML/CSS, exposing the slots for variable input.
var hkd = {
"Print": [
"std Print",
"alt Print",
"shift Print",
"alt shift Print",
"ctrl Print",
"ctrl alt Print",
"ctrl shift Print",
"ctrl alt shift Print",
"Pause": [
"std Pause",
"alt Pause",
"shift Pause",
"alt shift Pause",
"ctrl Pause",
"ctrl alt Pause",
"ctrl shift Pause",
"ctrl alt shift Pause",
"Scroll Lock": [
"std Scroll Lock",
"alt Scroll Lock",
"shift Scroll Lock",
"alt shift Scroll Lock",
"ctrl Scroll Lock",
"ctrl alt Scroll Lock",
"ctrl shift Scroll Lock",
"ctrl alt shift Scroll Lock",
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
var doc = app.activeDocument;
function place_text(start_position, offset_position, sub_key_array, text_size) {
for (var key in sub_key_array) {
var layername = String(sub_key_array[key]);
if (hkd.hasOwnProperty(sub_key_array[key])) {
var textobjs = hkd[sub_key_array[key]];
} else {
doc.activeLayer = doc.artLayers.getByName(layername);
var initial_position = [
doc.activeLayer.bounds[0] + start_position[0],
doc.activeLayer.bounds[1] + start_position[1],
for (var value in textobjs) {
if (null != textobjs[value]) {
var newLayer = doc.artLayers.add();
newLayer.kind = LayerKind.TEXT;
newLayer.name = textobjs[value];
newLayer.textItem.contents = textobjs[value];
newLayer.textItem.size = text_size;
newLayer.textItem.font = "Arial";
var newpos = [
initial_position[0] + offset_position[0] * (value + 1),
initial_position[1] + offset_position[1] * (value + 1),
newLayer.textItem.position = newpos;
var std_spacing = [0, 3.4];
var text_pt = 13.5;
var std_offset = [25, 10];
var std_keys = [
"L Sq Bracket",
"R Sq Bracket",
"Forward Slash",
"Numpad 1",
"Numpad 2",
"Numpad 3",
"Numpad 4",
"Numpad 5",
"Numpad 6",
"Numpad 7",
"Numpad 8",
"Numpad 9",
"Numpad Asterisk",
"Numpad Forward Slash",
"Numpad Minus",
"Numpad Plus",
place_text(std_offset, std_spacing, std_keys, text_pt);
var m_key_offset = [30, 10]; // offset unique due to hand placement variation
var m_keys = ["M"];
place_text(m_key_offset, std_spacing, m_keys, text_pt);
var fkey_offset = [6, 80];
var fkeys = [
place_text(fkey_offset, std_spacing, fkeys, text_pt);
var home_row_number_offset = [0, 72];
var home_row_number_keys = [
place_text(home_row_number_offset, std_spacing, home_row_number_keys, text_pt);
var capslock_offset = [216, 4];
var capslock_keys = ["Capslock"];
place_text(capslock_offset, std_spacing, capslock_keys, text_pt);
var backspace_offset = [0, 72];
var backspace_keys = ["Backspace"];
place_text(backspace_offset, std_spacing, backspace_keys, text_pt);
var tilde_offset = [0, 62];
var tilde_key_keys = ["Tilde"];
place_text(tilde_offset, std_spacing, tilde_key_keys, text_pt);
var tab_offset = [105, 10];
var tab_keys = ["Tab"];
place_text(tab_offset, std_spacing, tab_keys, text_pt);
var esc_offset = [0, 81];
var esc_keys = ["Esc"];
place_text(esc_offset, std_spacing, esc_keys, text_pt);
var numlock_offset = [-10, 104];
var numlock_keys = ["Numlock"];
place_text(numlock_offset, std_spacing, numlock_keys, text_pt);
var numpad_period_offset = [19, -277];
var numpad_period_keys = ["Numpad Period"];
place_text(numpad_period_offset, std_spacing, numpad_period_keys, text_pt);
var numpad_0_offset = [86, 15];
var numpad_0_keys = ["Numpad 0"];
place_text(numpad_0_offset, std_spacing, numpad_0_keys, text_pt);
var num_enter_key_offset = [8, -585];
var num_enter_key_keys = ["Numpad Enter"];
place_text(num_enter_key_offset, std_spacing, num_enter_key_keys, text_pt);
var right_arrow_offset = [8, -271];
var right_arrow_keys = ["Right"];
place_text(right_arrow_offset, std_spacing, right_arrow_keys, text_pt);
var left_arrow_offset = [4, -266];
var left_arrow_keys = ["Left"];
place_text(left_arrow_offset, std_spacing, left_arrow_keys, text_pt);
var up_arrow_offset = [7, 67];
var up_arrow_keys = ["Up"];
place_text(up_arrow_offset, std_spacing, up_arrow_keys, text_pt);
var down_arrow_offset = [5, -270];
var down_arrow_keys = ["Down"];
place_text(down_arrow_offset, std_spacing, down_arrow_keys, text_pt);
var delete_end_pgdn_offset = [0, -264];
var delete_end_pgdn_keys = ["Delete", "End", "Pg Dn"];
place_text(delete_end_pgdn_offset, std_spacing, delete_end_pgdn_keys, text_pt);
var R_Enter_offset = [-666, 20];
var R_Enter_keys = ["Enter"];
place_text(R_Enter_offset, std_spacing, R_Enter_keys, text_pt);
var R_Shift_offset = [-795, 18];
var R_Shift_keys = ["Enter", "R_Shift"];
place_text(R_Shift_offset, std_spacing, R_Shift_keys, text_pt);
var Space_LAlt_LWin_R_Alt_R_Ctrl_offset = [10, -270];
var Space_LAlt_LWin_R_Alt_R_Ctrl_keys = [
var insert_home_pgup_offset = [0, 72];
var insert_home_pgup_keys = [
"Pg Up",
"Scroll Lock",
In the case of Fusion360, at the time, custom keyboard shortcuts could only be saved one at a time from the user interface, and required multiple user prompts and menu selections.
Documentation for all possible commands via the API was available, but they did not accurately match the names present in the UI menus.
Since Users should only care about UI names for quick reference to key maps, a binding between UI names and API commands was required.
UI Commands were screenshotted and then processed in Photoshop using actions stripping out the color and leaving just a list of names.
Images were run through Google Tesseract OCR (Optical Character Recognition) functionality to extract text data from screenshots, returning a CSV file of UI names.
Python FuzzyWuzzy provided a Levenshtein distance algorithm for fuzzy matching UI display names to API commands.
Even if there were abbrevitions made to the diplay name of a command, this technique worked for most UI names as long as there was some similarity to their corresponding API commands.
# #################################################### FUZZYWUZZY MATCH RESULTS
SampleFuzzyWuzzyOutput = [
('std_F4', 'Shaded', 'SDK.MAGNestDisplayCmd.Shaded'),
('alt_F4', 'Pattern Rectangular', 'ShapeRectangleCenter'),
('shift_F4', 'Circular Pattern', 'CircularSketchPatternCommand'),
('alt_shift_F4', 'Pattern on Path', 'PatternOnPath'),
('ctrl_F4', 'pnt driven pattern', 'FusionDrawingCenterPatternEditCommand'),
('ctrl_alt_F4', 'Create Mesh Section Sketch', 'MeshPlanarSectionCommand'),
('ctrl_shift_F4', 'Compare Bodies', 'MeshCombineCommand'),
('ctrl_alt_shift_F4', 'Background Canvas', 'FusionAddBackgroundCanvasCommand'),
('std_F5', 'Appearance', 'PublisherAppearanceCommand'),
('alt_F5', 'surface Reverse Normals', 'MeshReverseNormalsCommand'),
('shift_F5', 'Section Analysis', 'FusionHalfSectionViewCommand'),
('alt_shift_F5', 'Zebra Analysis', 'FusionZebraAnalysisCommand'),
('ctrl_F5', 'Toggle Curvature Display', 'FusionToggleCurveCurvatureCombCommand'),
('ctrl_alt_F5', 'Curvature Map Analysis', 'FusionCurvatureMapAnalysisCommand'),
('ctrl_shift_F5', 'Curvature Comb Analysis', 'FusionCurvatureCombAnalysisCommand'),
('ctrl_alt_shift_F5', 'Draft Analysis', 'FusionDraftAnalysisCommand'),
('std_F6', 'New Design', 'NewDocumentCommand'),
Autohotkey emulation of some quality of life features that are present in Maya and 3Ds-Max such as Wireframe On Shaded and Isolate Selection
Toggle Switches were generated in Python and parsed into the Autohotkey code below, dynamically merging two Fusion mappings into a ternary toggle switch.
Toggle switches are dynamically generated by python, update when mappings change, and are parsed and commented as Autohotkey bindings.
; ################################################## FUSION360 TOGGLE CONSTANTS
WireframeOnShaded_TGL := 1
XRayOnShaded_TGL := 1
Incremental_TGL := 1
PaintSel_TGL := 1
Isolate_TGL := 1
; Wireframe On Shaded Toggle
SendInput, % WireframeOnShaded_TGL = 1 ? ( "^{6}", WireframeOnShaded_TGL := 0 ) : ( "^{4}", WireframeOnShaded_TGL := 1 )
; XRay View Mode Toggle
SendInput, % XRayOnShaded_TGL = 1 ? ( "^{5}", XRayOnShaded_TGL := 0 ) : ( "^{6}", XRayOnShaded_TGL := 1 )
; Incremental Move Toggle
SendInput, % Incremental_TGL = 1 ? ( "{F2}", Incremental_TGL := 0 ) : ( "{F1}", Incremental_TGL := 1 )
; Paint Selection Toggle
SendInput, % PaintSel_TGL = 1 ? ( "{3}", PaintSel_TGL := 0 ) : ( "{1}", PaintSel_TGL := 1 )
; Isolate Selection Toggle
SendInput, % Isolate_TGL = 1 ? ( "!{,}", Isolate_TGL := 0 ) : ( "^!{,}", Isolate_TGL := 1 )
SetCapsLockState, AlwaysOff
Integrating new applications requires the following steps
- Binding UI commands to API commands
- Parsing the target programs hotkey syntax to that of the Key Map Visualizer
- Parsing the target programs hotkey syntax to autohotkey for overrides
- Output a native hotkey file for integration into the host program
Photoshop's .Kys format follows a standard XML schema layout
Photoshop commands are registered internally with specific key and tool IDs. This is because Image and Layer share common UI names.
By flooding all assigned tools with a key mapping allowed for both unique IDs to be extracted along with the API command name, binding them to the non-unique UI names and tagging them when visualizing a key map chart.
compression ffmpeg -i UnbevelUnchamfer.mp4 -r 24 -vcodec libx264 -crf 20 -filter:v scale=1080:-1 UnbevelUnchamferTest.mp4
$originalVids = Get-ChildItem *.mp4 -Recurse
foreach ($inputVid in $originalVids) { $outputVid = [io.path]::ChangeExtension($inputVid.FullName, '.mp4') ffmpeg.exe -i $inputVid.FullName -c:v libx264 -crf 18 -c:a aac -map_metadata 0 -filter:v scale=1080:-1 $outputVid }