This project provides samples to demonstrate the use of Intel GPU in simplified real-life scenarios involving media streams delivery. It leverages a Software Stack which consists of the following ingredients:
- Intel Media SDK
- Intel Media Driver
- FFmpeg w/ enabled ffmpeg-qsv plugins
Provided samples focus on the key aspects of the proper Intel software setup and integration with other popular tools you will likely use in your final product. We try to do our best to provide a configuration which will demonstrate the best quality and performance for Intel GPU media stack.
Key topics we are covering:
- Samples which demonstrate operations typical for Content Delivery Network (CDN) applications such as Video On Demand (VOD) streaming under Nginx server
- Reference command lines (for ffmpeg-qsv and mediasdk native samples) tuned for the optimal quality and performance (for the showcasing scenario)
- Quality and Performance measuring infrastructure for data collection
- Intel GPU Performance monitoring
Explore more containers, models and tools on the Intel® oneContainer Portal.
Each sample is available in a form of Docker container which you need to build locally. Please, use Linux distro for the build and Docker version 17.05 or later (see install instructions).
To build default sample (CDN) run:
docker build \ $(env | grep -E '(_proxy=|_PROXY)' | sed 's/^/--build-arg /') \ --file docker/ubuntu20.04/intel-gfx/Dockerfile \ --tag intel-media-delivery \ .
Use --build-arg SAMPLE=$SAMPLE
docker build argument to specify other
sample to build.
There are few dockerfiles you can use to build samples. They differ by origin of the Intel media stack components included into the docker image which implies which Intel GPUs and media codec features will be supported. Some media stacks might also require special host setup instruction. See table below.
Dockerfile | Intel media stack origin | Supported Intel GPUs | Host setup instructions |
docker/ubuntu20.04/native/Dockerfile | Ubuntu 20.04 | Gen8+, check Ubuntu 20.04 documentation | Use any Linux distribution which supports required platform |
docker/ubuntu20.04/intel-gfx/Dockerfile | Intel Graphics Package Repository | Intel® Iris® Xe MAX Graphics (formerly DG1) | DG1 Setup Instruction |
Platforms starting from Gen8 and prior to DG1 | Use any Linux distribution which supports required platform | ||
docker/ubuntu20.04/intel-gfx/Dockerfile | Custom, specified via
--build-arg INTEL_GFX_APT_REPO=... |
Depends on the custom stack. Contact supplier. |
Caveat: current master branch is in active development to support DG2 and ATS-M GPUs via custom media stack (contact us for more details). Mind that latest release at Intel Graphics Package Repository is known to contain some outdated packages (for example, libvpl) which might have issues affecting our sample command lines modified for DG2 and ATS-M support. If you use our samples from latest master to run on DG1 or other legacy platforms and see some issues, please, let us know. As a mitigation you can use latest tagged release: Media Delivery Software Stack v2.
To use some of the examples below you might wish to install the following tools on your host (or some other system capable of reaching the container over network) to be able to interact with the service(s) running inside the container:
- VLC player to be able to play streaming videos
- ffmpeg to be able to receive and save streaming videos
Feedback and contributions are welcome. Please, help improve the project by submitting issues and pull requests with fixes.
Mind that dockerfiles are being generated from m4 templates via cmake build system. Refer to generating dockerfiles document for further details.
Each sample contains few entrypoints:
allows to run a demo (minddemo help
andman demo
allows to run a measurement tools (mindmeasure help
andman measure
To be able to run container successfully you need to start it with certain permissions allowing access to GPU device(s), file system, etc. The minimal set of arguments to start a container looks as follows:
DEVICE=${DEVICE:-/dev/dri/renderD128} DEVICE_GRP=$(ls -g $DEVICE | awk '{print $3}' | \ xargs getent group | awk -F: '{print $3}') docker run --rm -it \ -e DEVICE=$DEVICE --device $DEVICE --group-add $DEVICE_GRP \ --cap-add SYS_ADMIN \ -p 8080:8080 \ intel-media-delivery
Mind that -e DEVICE=$DEVICE
option allows to adjust the host GPU device
to be used under the demo.
Run without entrypoint (as in the example above) to enter shell and look around inside the container. For example, samples come with the manual pages which you might review:
# docker run .... # start container # man demo # man measure
Please, refer to Samples HowTo for the advanced topics like which host folders you can map and how to do that correctly.
CDN is about delivering media streams to the clients. As such, samples consist of 2 parts:
- Service(s) running inside the container which produces and distributes media stream(s)
- Client(s) running somewhere (not necessarily inside the container) which consume media streams
To get list of streams you will be able to play, execute:
DEVICE=${DEVICE:-/dev/dri/renderD128} DEVICE_GRP=$(ls -g $DEVICE | awk '{print $3}' | \ xargs getent group | awk -F: '{print $3}') docker run --rm -it \ -e DEVICE=$DEVICE --device $DEVICE --group-add $DEVICE_GRP \ --cap-add SYS_ADMIN \ -p 8080:8080 \ intel-media-delivery demo streams
On the output you should get list of streams similar to the following:
http://localhost:8080/vod/avc/WAR_TRAILER_HiQ_10_withAudio/index.m3u8 http://localhost:8080/vod/hevc/WAR_TRAILER_HiQ_10_withAudio/index.m3u8
These streams can be supplied as an input to the demo command lines described below. Mind however that HEVC streaming might not be supported by some client applications, for example, web browsers.
If you want to run a client on some other system rather than host, make sure
to substitute localhost
with the host IP address:
Above example just lists content embedded in the container on the build stage. See Content Attribution for the copyright info of the embedded video. See Container volumes (adding your content, access logs, etc.) for how to add your own content to the demo.
You can run samples in different modes depending on where client is located. These modes comes with slightly different levels of complexity - see below paragraphs for mode details.
In a default demo mode client is ran inside the container. As such, you don't need to interact with the container in any other way rather than to start and stop it. This is the simplest demo mode. To run it, execute:
DEVICE=${DEVICE:-/dev/dri/renderD128} DEVICE_GRP=$(ls -g $DEVICE | awk '{print $3}' | \ xargs getent group | awk -F: '{print $3}') docker run --rm -it \ -e DEVICE=$DEVICE --device $DEVICE --group-add $DEVICE_GRP \ --cap-add SYS_ADMIN \ -p 8080:8080 \ intel-media-delivery \ demo http://localhost:8080/vod/avc/WAR_TRAILER_HiQ_10_withAudio/index.m3u8
Upon successful launch you will see output similar to the below one.
Few terminals will be opened in a tiled layout and provide the following information:
- /top-left/ Client monitoring statistics (how many clients are running and/or stopped, their FPS, etc.)
- /top-right/ GPU monitoring data (GPU engines utilization)
- /bottom-right/ Server monitoring statistics (how many requests server received, running FPS, etc.)
- /bottom-left/ CPU and system monitroing data (CPU and memory utilization, tasks running, etc.)
Tiled terminals are managed by tmux. Please, refer to its documentation if you wish to navigate and play around with the demo. To terminate, just press CTRL+C and CTRL+D repeatedly to stop and exit each script and/or monitoring process.
With "interactive" demo mode container runs all the services required for streaming, but awaits for the user interaction to trigger it. To start demo in this mode, execute:
DEVICE=${DEVICE:-/dev/dri/renderD128} DEVICE_GRP=$(ls -g $DEVICE | awk '{print $3}' \ xargs getent group | awk -F: '{print $3}') docker run --rm -it \ -e DEVICE=$DEVICE --device $DEVICE --group-add $DEVICE_GRP \ --cap-add SYS_ADMIN \ -p 8080:8080 \ intel-media-delivery demo
After that you need to trigger streaming via some client running outside of the container. For example, from the host:
vlc http://localhost:8080/vod/avc/WAR_TRAILER_HiQ_10_withAudio/index.m3u8 # or ffmpeg -i http://localhost:8080/vod/avc/WAR_TRAILER_HiQ_10_withAudio/index.m3u8 -c copy WAR_TRAILER_HiQ_10_withAudio.mkv
Note: use <host-ip>
instead of loсalhost
starting client on a
system other than host.
Similar to default demo mode described above, container will start few terminals, but eventually no client statistics will be available since client is running elsewhere.
This sample can be built with --build-arg SAMPLE=cdn
which is the default.
"CDN" sample uses ffmpeg to generate HLS stream which is better scalable approach comparing to an alternative to use Nginx RTMP module. (we provide Edge sample for this alternative approach). See "CDN" sample architecture diagram below.
Sample focus on the very basics to configure HLS streaming thru nginx server.
Client requests are served on the same system where nginx server is running
by trivial socat server which performs
shell script scheduling of background processes to handle transcoding. Increasing
number of parallel client requests (for different streams) would allow to explore
how system behaves under different loads. Mind that you can use -<n>
option to emulate multiple streams available for streaming:
DEVICE=${DEVICE:-/dev/dri/renderD128} DEVICE_GRP=$(ls -g $DEVICE | awk '{print $3}' \ xargs getent group | awk -F: '{print $3}') docker run --rm -it \ -e DEVICE=$DEVICE --device $DEVICE --group-add $DEVICE_GRP \ --cap-add SYS_ADMIN \ -p 8080:8080 \ intel-media-delivery demo -4 \ http://localhost:8080/vod/avc/WAR_TRAILER_HiQ_10_withAudio-1/index.m3u8 http://localhost:8080/vod/avc/WAR_TRAILER_HiQ_10_withAudio-2/index.m3u8 http://localhost:8080/vod/avc/WAR_TRAILER_HiQ_10_withAudio-3/index.m3u8 http://localhost:8080/vod/avc/WAR_TRAILER_HiQ_10_withAudio-4/index.m3u8
"CDN" sample can be further scaled. For example, transcoding requests might be served by the dedicated system where server similar to socat one is running. Furthermore, each transcoding might be done on the dedicated GPU-capable system (a node). Typically, such tools like kafka and zookeeper are being used to manage these many nodes and orchestration server. This sample however intentionally avoids scaling examples and focuses on streaming configuration basics and key aspects of GPU accelerated offloads. For the bigger scale CDN sample, please, take a look on Open Visual Cloud CDN Transcode Sample.
This sample can be built with --build-arg SAMPLE=edge
"Edge" sample is using Nginx RTMP module to generate HLS stream. FFmpeg is still used to transcode the stream, but it does not produce HLS stream. Instead it sends transcoded stream to RTMP server which actually breaks the stream into fragments and creates HLS stream. One of the downsides of using RTMP module is that it has limited codec capabilities. Specifically, as of now H.265 video is not supported. See "Edge" sample architecture diagram below.
Effectively, commands lines to try Edge sample are similar to CDN sample. For example:
DEVICE=${DEVICE:-/dev/dri/renderD128} DEVICE_GRP=$(ls -g $DEVICE | awk '{print $3}' \ xargs getent group | awk -F: '{print $3}') docker run --rm -it \ -e DEVICE=$DEVICE --device $DEVICE --group-add $DEVICE_GRP \ --cap-add SYS_ADMIN \ -p 8080:8080 \ intel-media-delivery demo -4 \ http://localhost:8080/vod/avc/WAR_TRAILER_HiQ_10_withAudio-1/index.m3u8 http://localhost:8080/vod/avc/WAR_TRAILER_HiQ_10_withAudio-2/index.m3u8 http://localhost:8080/vod/avc/WAR_TRAILER_HiQ_10_withAudio-3/index.m3u8 http://localhost:8080/vod/avc/WAR_TRAILER_HiQ_10_withAudio-4/index.m3u8
This project comes with performance and quality measuring tools which implement measuring methodologies discussed in performance and quality methodology documents.
Running these tools is as simply as the following examples.
- For encoding quality measurement of some YUV file (currently tool accepts only 8-bit I420 YUV input):
measure quality -w 1920 -h 1080 -f 24 InputVideo.yuv
- For encoding quality measurement of some MP4 file:
measure quality InputVideo.mp4
- For performance measurement of transcoding of some raw H.264/AVC file:
measure perf InputVideo.h264
By default measuring tools will encode with H.264/AVC, to change a codec,
use a --codec
measure quality --codec HEVC -w 1920 -h 1080 -f 24 InputVideo.yuv measure perf --codec HEVC InputVideo.h264
For detailed tools usage refer to the manual pages for performance and quality.
- measure-quality supports only 8-bit I420 input YUV streams
- Intel Media SDK samples don't support input streams in container formats (i.e. .mp4, .ts, etc.), hence both measure-quality and measure-perf will run measurements only with ffmpeg-qsv path for such streams.
Due to its flexible interface, ffmpeg supports many video transcode pipelines. The ffmpeg command lines below illustrate good practices in using ffmpeg-qsv (Intel Quick Sync Video - Intel Media SDK integration into ffmpeg). The use of "extbrc" demonstrates the use of developer configurable bitrate control, pyramid coding and other quality optimizations. For the details on ffmpeg-qsv supported features, read ffmpeg-qsv capabilites.
Example 1: AVC VBR Encode:
ffmpeg -hwaccel qsv \ -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p -s:v ${width}x${height} -r $framerate \ -i $inputyuv -vframes $numframes -y \ -c:v h264_qsv -preset medium -profile:v high \ -b:v $bitrate -maxrate $((2 * $bitrate)) -bufsize $((4 * $bitrate)) \ -g 256 -extbrc 1 -b_strategy 1 -bf 7 -refs 5 -vsync 0 $output
Example 2: AVC CBR Encode:
ffmpeg -hwaccel qsv \ -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p -s:v ${width}x${height} -r $framerate \ -i $inputyuv -vframes $numframes -y \ -c:v h264_qsv -preset medium -profile:v high \ -b:v $bitrate -maxrate $bitrate -minrate $bitrate -bufsize $((2 * $bitrate)) \ -g 256 -extbrc 1 -b_strategy 1 -bf 7 -refs 5 -vsync 0 $output
Example 3: HEVC VBR Encode:
ffmpeg -hwaccel qsv \ -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p -s:v ${width}x${height} -r $framerate \ -i $inputyuv -vframes $numframes -y \ -c:v hevc_qsv -preset medium -profile:v main \ -b:v $bitrate -maxrate $((2 * $bitrate)) -bufsize $((4 * $bitrate)) \ -g 256 -extbrc 1 -refs 5 -bf 7 -vsync 0 $output
Example 4: HEVC CBR Encode:
ffmpeg -hwaccel qsv \ -f rawvideo -pix_fmt yuv420p -s:v ${width}x${height} -r $framerate \ -i $inputyuv -vframes $numframes -y \ -c:v hevc_qsv -preset medium -profile:v main \ -b:v $bitrate -maxrate $bitrate -minrate $bitrate -bufsize $((2 * $bitrate)) \ -g 256 -extbrc 1 -refs 5 -bf 7 -vsync 0 $output
The noted good practices are used throughout the project within demo examples and quality and performance measuring tools. See the following document on the further details:
- Video Quality Command Lines and Measuring Methodology
- Video Performance Command Linux and Measuring Methodology
- Manual Pages
- Reference command lines & methodologies
- Generating Dockerfiles
- HowTo
- Tests
- General Purpose GPU Drivers for Linux* Operating Systems
- GPGPU Documentation
- Intel Media SDK
- Intel Media Driver
- Intel Linux Graphics Drivers
- Open Visual Cloud
- Intel® oneContainer Portal
- One Container Templates
- Docker
- FFmpeg
- VLC player
- NGinx
Container image comes with some embedded content attributed as follows:
/opt/data/embedded/WAR_TRAILER_HiQ_10_withAudio.mp4: Film: WAR - Courtesy & Copyright: Yash Raj Films Pvt. Ltd.
Inside the container, please, refer to the following file:
cat /opt/data/embedded/usage.txt