This is a simple web-based Tic Tac Toe game built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The game allows two players to take turns placing "X" and "O" marks on a 3x3 grid. It displays the current player's turn, announces the winner or a draw, and provides a restart button to start a new game.
- Allows two players to take turns placing "X" and "O" marks on a 3x3 grid.
- Displays the current player's turn and announces the winner or a draw.
- Provides a restart button to start a new game.
- Uses a modal to display the game outcome.
- Open the index.html file in your web browser.
- Players take turns clicking on empty cells to place their mark.
- The game announces the winner or a draw when the game ends.
- Click the "Restart Game" button to start a new game.
- index.html: Contains the HTML structure of the game.
- style.css: Defines the styling for the game interface.
- script.js: Implements the game logic and functionality.
- This file, providing an overview of the project.
- screenshot.png: A screenshot of the game.
Contributions to this project are welcome. Please feel free to fork the repository and submit pull requests.