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Please note, all components are styleless. You should add styles by your self.
import EcoUiKit from 'react-eco-ui-kit';

const { utils, consts, components } = EcoUiKit;
const { Paginator } = components;

import { components, utils, consts } from 'react-eco-ui-kit';

const { Picker } = components;

import { Paginator, Input, Picker } from 'react-eco-ui-kit';


  • Paginator

Alt Text

Name Type Default Description
amount number.isRequered --- All items
valuePerPage number 10 Items per one page
amountPickersToShow number 4 Pickers to show in the Paginator
onPickerChange func noop function to trigger after picker change
initIndex number 1 start picked index
className string EMPTY class name for the Paginator wrapper
customPickerComponent React.Component Picker Picker component
pickerClassName string EMPTY provided class name for the Picker component
enableDelimeter bool true Flag to toggle delimeter visibility
customDelimeterComponent React.Component Delimeter Delimeter component
delimeterValue string ... Delimeter value to show
delimeterClassName string EMPTY provided class name for the Delimeter component
enableLabels bool true Flag to toggle labels visibility
customLabelComponent React.Component Label Label Component
firstLabel string First Value for first label
lastLabel string Last Value for last label
labelClassName strings EMPTY provided class name for the Label component
enableControls bool true Flag to toggle controls visibility
customControlComponent React.Component Control Control component
controlUp any > Value for control up
controlDown any < Value for control down
controlClassName string EMPTY provided class name for the Control component
enableInputControl bool true Flag to toggle input visibility
customInputComponent React.Component Input Input component
inputControlValidator func --- function to validate input values. Will trigger on each change.
inputClassName string EMPTY provided class name for the Input component
const renderPaginator = (amount) => (<Paginator amount={amount} />);
const myData = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] //your data

  • Delimeter

Name Type Default Description
className string EMPTY provided class name for the Delimeter component
value any ... Delimeter value to show
const renderDelimeter = (props) => (<Delimeter {...props} />);

renderDelimeter({ value: '---', className: 'myDelimeter' });
  • Control

Name Type Default Description
className string EMPTY provided class name for the Control component
value any def Control value to show
disabled bool false Flag to toggle availability of the Control
onClick func noop click handler
const renderControl = (props) => (<Control {...props} />);

renderControl({ value: '->', className: 'myControl' });
  • Label

Name Type Default Description
className string EMPTY provided class name for the Label component
value any def Label value to show
disabled bool false Flag to toggle availability of the Label
onClick func noop click handler
const renderLabel = (props) => (<Label {...props} />);

renderLabel({ value: 'FIRST', className: 'myLabel' });
  • Picker

Name Type Default Description
className string EMPTY provided class name for the Picker component
value any def Picker value to show
disabled bool false Flag to toggle availability of the Picker
picked bool false Flag to toggle picked state of the Picker
onClick func noop click handler
const renderPicker = (props) => (<Picker {...props} />);

renderPicker({ value: '22', className: 'myPicker' });
  • Input

Name Type Default Description
className string EMPTY provided class name for the Input component
value string def Input value to show
validator func identity function to validate input values. Will trigger on each change.
onChange func noop change handler
const renderInput = (props) => (<Input {...props} />);

renderInput({ value: '22', className: 'myInput' });


Set of presentational ReactJS components.







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