This project can be deployed here FoodEnvy. The server repo can be found here food-envy backend.
This was app was built as a social media site that allows users to post a picture of a dish they had, a description, and what restaurant they ate at.
Restaurants also have a profile to show what posts were made about their restaurant and users have a profile to show what food they want to show case. Additionally restaurants have a map to show where the restaurant is located.
- Mongoose
- Express
- React
- Node
- Google Maps API
If you'd like to clone this repo and make it your own do these following steps
- Clone this repo in your preferred project directory
git clone your-name-here
- Install package dependencies with NPM Install
npm i
- Clone the server
git clone your-name-here
- Install package dependencies with NPM Install
npm i
- For the google maps to work you'll need your own api key (nice try) and you'll need to create a .env with the code as so
- For your front-end api calls you'll want to go to
And change the value to
export const API_URL = `https://yourServer/api/v1/`
- Unfortunately there is no seed file (yet) so you'd have to make your own models through your mongod server
There are three models:
- User: The user has a name, a username, and they create posts. A user has a one-to-many relationship with posts.
- Post: A post gets created by the user and belongs to a user and a restaurant. Posts share a many-to-one relationship to users and restaurants.
- Restaurant: A restaurant can only be created through the server so far and shares a one-to-many relationship with posts
- On first render the axios call retrives no data. Clicking on a link to the home through the logo or the profile fixes it.
- Trying to traverse from restaurant to restaurant does not work. You have to go from restaurant to profile then to a different restaurant.
- You can't look at different restaurants from another users profile. It'll rerender the current users profile.
- Cannot update bio through the front-end as the put request does not work