You can use this C# client library to integrate Nexmo's APIs to your application. To use this, you'll need a Nexmo account. Sign up for free at
To use the client library you'll need to have created a Nexmo account.
To install the C# client library using NuGet:
- Run the following command in the Package Manager Console:
Install-Package Nexmo.Csharp.Client
- Download or build (see developer instructions) the
. - If you have downloaded a release, ensure you are referencing the required dependencies by either including them with your project's NuGet dependencies or manually referencing them.
- Reference the assembly in your code.
- Provide the nexmo URLs, API key, secret, and application credentials (for JWT) in
"appSettings": {
"Nexmo.UserAgent": "myApp/1.0",
"Nexmo.Url.Rest": "",
"Nexmo.Url.Api": "",
"Nexmo.api_key": "<YOUR KEY>",
"Nexmo.api_secret": "<YOUR SECRET>",
"Nexmo.Application.Id": "ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff",
"Nexmo.Application.Key": "c:\\path\\to\\your\\application\\private.key"
- In v2.1.0+, you may also continue to use
for configuration:
<add key="Nexmo.UserAgent" value="myApp/1.0" />
<add key="Nexmo.Url.Rest" value="" />
<add key="Nexmo.Url.Api" value="" />
<add key="Nexmo.api_key" value="<YOUR KEY>" />
<add key="Nexmo.api_secret" value="<YOUR SECRET>" />
In the event multiple configuration files are found, the order of precedence is as follows:
which overridessettings.json
which overrides<executing process name>.config
which overridesapp.config
which overridesweb.config
As you are able, please move your project to JSON configuration as XML configuration will be going away in a future release.
Key | Description |
Nexmo.api_key | Your API key from the dashboard |
Nexmo.api_secret | Your API secret from the dashboard |
Nexmo.Application.Id | Your application ID |
Nexmo.Application.Key | Path to your application key |
Nexmo.Url.Rest | Optional. Nexmo REST API base URL. Defaults to |
Nexmo.Url.Api | Optional. Nexmo API base URL. Defaults to |
Nexmo.Api.RequestsPerSecond | Optional. Throttle to specified requests per second. |
Nexmo.UserAgent | Optional. Your app-specific usage identifier in the format of name/version . Example: "myApp/1.0" |
From 2.2.0 onward, you can request console logging by placing a logging.json
file alongside your appsettings.json
Note that logging Nexmo.Api messages will very likely expose your key and secret to the console as they can be part of the query string.
Example logging.json
contents that would log all requests as well as major configuration and authentication errors:
"IncludeScopes": "true",
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Debug",
"Nexmo.Api": "Debug",
"Nexmo.Api.Authentication": "Error",
"Nexmo.Api.Configuration": "Error"
We are working on a separate repository for .NET examples. Check it out here!
The following examples show how to:
Use Nexmo's SMS API to send a SMS message.
var results = SMS.Send(new SMS.SMSRequest
from = "15555551212",
to = "17775551212",
text = "this is a test"
Use Nexmo's SMS API to receive a SMS message. Assumes your Nexmo endpoint is configured.
public ActionResult Get([FromUri]SMS.SMSDeliveryReceipt response)
return new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.OK);
NOTE: [FromUri]
is deprecated in .NET Core; [FromQuery]
works in this case.
Use Nexmo's Voice API to initiate a voice call.
NOTE: You must have a valid Application ID and private key in order to make voice calls. Use either Nexmo.Api.Application
or Nexmo's Node.js-based CLI tool to register. See the Application API documentation for details.
using Nexmo.Api.Voice;
Call.Do(new Call.CallCommand
to = new[]
new Call.Endpoint {
type = "phone",
number = "15555551212"
from = new Call.Endpoint
type = "phone",
number = "15557772424"
answer_url = new[]
- Check out the sample MVC application and tests for more examples. Make sure to copy appsettings.json.example/web.config.example to appsettings.json/web.config and enter your key/secret.
- Account
- Balance
- Pricing
- Settings
- Top Up
- Numbers
- Search
- Buy
- Cancel
- Update
- Number Insight
- Basic
- Standard
- Advanced
- Webhook Notification
- Verify
- Verify
- Check
- Search
- Control
- Search
- Message
- Messages
- Rejections
- Messaging
- Send
- Delivery Receipt
- Inbound Messages
- Search
- Message
- Messages
- Rejections
- US Short Codes
- Two-Factor Authentication
- Event Based Alerts
- Sending Alerts
- Campaign Subscription Management
- Application
- Create
- List
- Update
- Delete
- Call
- Outbound
- Get
- List
- Edit
- Stream
Targeted frameworks:
- 4.5.2
- 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2
- .NET Standard 1.6
Visual Studio 2015 is required (Community should be fine). Update 3 is recommended.
- Get latest code either by cloning the repository or downloading a snapshot of the source.
- Open "Nexmo.Api.sln"
- Build! NuGet dependencies should be brought down automatically; check your settings if they are not.
Pull requests are welcome!
Special thanks to our contributors:
This library is released under the MIT License