A Java library that helps you manage ZeroTier networks (https://www.zerotier.com/). The library requires an API Access Token and lets you query the status of ZeroTier and create/update/delete networks and members.
- Java 7+
- A ZeroTier API access token (get it from https://my.zerotier.com/ > Account)
The library is published to maven central. If you use Maven, you can add a depency on it in your pom.xml:
The library uses OkHttp for HTTP'ing and Gson for JSON'ing.
The ZTService
interface describes the service and its available methods. The provided implementation, ZTServiceImpl
, makes HTTP requests to ZeroTier's Central REST API.
A quick list of what you can achieve with zerotier-api-java:
- status query the status of ZeroTier, see if it's online and the API version (used in the regression test)
- network create a network, update a network, delete a network
- member create a member, update a member, delete a member
Note that all the corresponding fields are not implemented. If you need more fields and want to contribute to the project, please submit a pull request with your changes along some integration testing.
ZTService ztService = new ZTServiceImpl("ZT_AUTH_TOKEN");
// create a network
s.createNetwork(new ZTNetwork("my cool network"));
// create a member in networkId
ZTNetworkMember ztNetworkMember = new ZTNetworkMember(networkId, newMemberAddress);
// update a member
An integration test suite, ZTServiceTest
, is available and run by TravisCI to make sure there are no regressions. You need to set the ZT_AUTH_TOKEN
system property ex: ZT_AUTH_TOKEN=...token... mvn verify
to run the integration test suite.