This repository contains the technical assesment given to Edvinas Janusevicius by Jet2.
Download this repository to your machine and start "index.html" if it's ran on a live server, or "index_regular_open.html" if the file is ran through basic file browser.
Below given are the requirements for the test and how each requirement has been tackled:
- Mobile-first => Customised Bootstrap Grid and Media Queries have been used to make this fully responsive, according to the requirement.
- A clear naming convention => BEM (Block Element Modifier) convention has been used here where "page" is the block.
- CSS preprocessor => Sass was used compiled and used in this test, compiling was done with Koala (Sass files are found scss folder, while compiled css and source maps are in css folder).
- JS to fire to modal => Since no framework has been chosen the task has been completed using Vanilla JavaScript ES6+, which was compiled into ES5 using Babel to enable better browser-compatibility.
- Must work on Chrome, Safari, IE9 => Babel was used to compile ES6+ into ES5, also alteratives have been found for methods that are not supported by browsers (mainly IE).
- Ability to have more than one modal => There are two buttons that generate two different modals (behind the scenes a different content argument is passed into the same "openModal" function, thus reducing logic but allowing more than one modal.
- BEM => BEM has been used as a naming convention.
- ES6 => Purely ES6+ syntax has been used. Original ES6+ files are held in "index_precompiled_es6.js" file, while "index.js" holds compiled ES5 version.
- Edvinas Janusevicius