A new build with lots of changes from actual users of Gigi. Thank you for your help, everyone!
Ivar Jönsson:
- Editor: Added group nodes
- Editor: Added a search bar to nodes list and made it into a scrollable window.
- Editor: Added a search bar to all data record windows
- Editor: Added color customization to nodes
- Updated DXC
- Added formats: BGRA8, RG16_Uint and RG32_Uint
- DX12 viewer & code gen: changed shader compiler interfaced, and added more options, like warnings as errors.
Jan Werbrouck:
- replace bunny.obj with a version that has better UVs
- Viewer: Generate normals for obj files that don't have normals.
- Viewer: fix crash when mips is out of bounds
- Model Viewer: Add RemapRanges toggle to visualise negative normals/tangents
- editor bug: shader edit button didn't work if filename missing file extension
William Donnelly:
- Viewer: fix crash when viewing a slice of a 3d texture with z greater than zero and clicking copy to clipboard.
Martin Mittring:
- Made camera unable to flip over backwards.
Christian Deiss:
- Added UserDocumentation/DebuggingGigiWithPix to explain how to do pix captures in Gigi
- Viewer bug: system variables for jittered camera hooked up to non jittered camera due to copy/paste.
Gabriel Kannenberg:
- investigated problem with model viewer tangents. Turns out bunny obj file was bad, so no changes needed. Bunny model was then replaced by Jan Webrouck.
- Viewer: report an error if pix capture fails
- Viewer: Fix error when chaining indirect pins together sometimes
- Viewer: added "-logdebuglayer" command line to turn this on by default when launching.
- Viewer: adde "-compileshadersfordebug" command line to turn this on by default when launching.