The unofficial way to view charts and manage your ratings on MusicBrainz.
- View up to 250 releases for each genre. Since there isn't much ratings data, the threshold to be included in the chart is very low, only 3 ratings.
- Genre charts are hierarchical. So when looking at rock, you see all the genres and subgenera included.
- Login to MusicBrainz to sync your ratings. You see your ratings overlayed on the charts.
- Submit ratings. On any chart item with half-star accuracy.
Install/update any required packages:
npm install
Create the environment variables (you may need to update this config file depending on which features you need):
make config/dev.json
You will need to run the backend and frontend separately:
make backend
make frontend
rm -rf dump db.sqlite3
make db.sqlite3
rm -rf backend/static/data
make all-data
Development (
make deploy-dev
Production (
make deploy-prod