Here you find my setup files (dotfile) for a linux environment of my personal taste. It works with debian based distros such as: Debian,(K/L)Ubuntu, Bunsenlabs, DietPi, Raspi OS, Mint ...
it includes configuration for:
- nice command aliases (like ll for ls -al etc..)
- 'nano' is alias for mirco
- exa as ls replacement
- console prompt "borrowed" from Kali Linux
- colourful greeting message with neofetch toilet and lolcat (alternative c version)
- golang settings
- lynx-like motion enabled
- line numbers
- colors
- syntax highlighting
- crisp high-contrast color scheme
- dark classic high-contrast theme
- Fira Code font
- desktop background with all key bindings displayed
- configurable for small/large screens and different apps
- green focus
- polybar with colourful icons, time and wather display
- switch off laptop screen when a monitor is connected to HDMI-1
win-alt-s open music player (i.e. spotify)
win-alt-b open web browser
win-alt-n open file browser (i.e. nemo)
win-Esc close current window
win-, and win-. navigate through tags (workspaces)
win-arrows move window focus to next window
win-shift-arrows move window
win-space open program launcher
win-shift-q logout
look at home/.config/herbstluftwm/autostart at the top of the file you can set some variables to your needs.
- displays herbsluftwm workspaces
- displays weather for Lübeck/Germany
- displays local date/time
- displays CPU-load, free RAM and core Temp.
- displays current audio level
- displays current IP
- Power-Off/logout button
in Tray:
- blueman-applet (Bluetooth control)
- nm-applet (wifi network connection management) these applets are not being installed, they need to be on the system (as they are in linux mint)
You need to have the following packets installed. The script installs them for you:
- nano - a lightweight console text editor wih syntax highlighting
- mc (Midnight Commande) console mased file manager
- neofetch - nice looking system info dislay
- eza - ls in full color
- lolcat (c version) - makes text rainbow-color
- toilet - prints large text on console with ascii characters
- micro editor (
- herbstluftwm - a nice tiling window manager
- alacritty - hardware acelerated terminal emualator
- polybar - the info bar and tray
- ssh-askpass - provides graphical password input for sudo
- lxappearance - GTK-Theme Selection
- pavucontrol - soundcard loudness setting dialog
- Fira Code Font
- font-awesome (free)
- Noto Sans (preinstalled on linux Mint)
- Noto Sans Symbols2 (preinstalled on linux Mint)
- Noto Color Emoji (preinstalled on linux Mint)
There is an installer script which is able to install the needed dependencies and to symlink the dotfiles.
without any parameters it prints the usage.
The install script basically installs the dependencies on ubuntu/debian based systens and renames old dotfiles and symlinks to the ones from this package.
If you are not on a debian-based distro you need to install the dependencies yourself and invoke the installer with ./install -d to symlink the dotfiles only.