#!/usr/bin/env ruby
Author : Emad Elsaid (https://github.com/blazeeboy)
monkey batch, yup that a bad practice, but lets say that this is a proof of concept
we'll open the object class and handle the method missing situation, we'll claculate distance between the requested method and all methods available in object, then the nearest method if distance doesn't exceed certain number then execute it.
class Object
def method_missing(meth, *args, &block)
threshold = 3
all_meth = methods.sort
all_meth.sort_by! do |m|
string_distance m, meth
if string_distance(all_meth.first, meth) <= 3
send all_meth.first, *args, &block
we'll calculate distance between 2 string by getting number of characters in 1 and not in 2 and number chars in 2 not in 1, sum the two differences and return that weight less weight is more similar method
def string_distance(str1, str2)
one_way = str1.to_s.chars - str2.to_s.chars
the_other_way = str2.to_s.chars - str1.to_s.chars
one_way.size + the_other_way.size
you can use nil
instead of nil?
p "26512135".nil
you can use toi
and tof
instead of to_i
and to_f
p "12123".tof
this way ruby will be more forgiving if you wrote
method name with wrong character or less character or more
with 1 character, when you increate the threshold
be more forgiving :D,
happy coding.