i create a new script everyday, scripts for dealing with facebook twitter, github, making simple games and illustrate some ruby magic
i always take a snapshot from the code and draw arrows and comments over it, so all scripts are compressed in syntax to fit within one screen, this approach makes my task even more challenging.
hope my scripts gets you inspired at your work, or even makes you jealous and port them, enhance them, or even create your own ideas,
each day i create a directory with the today's date and put my code facebook long message, and twitter tweet and post them to several place Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Google+, Linkedin, Coderwall, Gist and a long list of other websites, in addition to committing to this repository.
feel free to fork this repository and enhance whatever script you want, just show the world how you code, think and do magic with your keyboard.
Date | Title | Tags |
2014-03-04 | Backup mysql database and send it to your email script | mysql email |
2014-03-05 | Post files to gist and get Gist url from commandline | rails github |
2014-03-06 | Post an image using your Gmail account to tumblr | rails tumblr gmail |
2014-03-07 | Gravatar image url generator simple method | rails gravatar |
2014-03-08 | Generate random string from a canonical form | rails |
2014-03-09 | Fix markdown problem | sinatra markdown |
2014-03-10 | Random bouncy particles using ruby Gosu games library | rails gosu |
2014-03-11 | Simple fuzzy search algorithm similar to sublimeText | sublime search |
2014-03-12 | Highlight code and convert it to image using ruby | rails |
2014-03-13 | Monitor folders sizes and take an action if one of them exceeded | folders |
2014-03-14 | Download your latest 30 Github Gists to local directory | github |
2014-03-15 | Live Calculator + Math module using ruby and sinatra | sinatra |
2014-03-16 | Create Matrix Like screen using Ruby | rails gosu |
2014-03-17 | Create a Waving ColorSpace using ruby | colors gosu |
2014-03-18 | Get facebook friends data and save them as json file | facebook |
2014-03-19 | Worm game in under 50 line of code in ruby | game |
2014-03-20 | Facebook group hall of fame script | facebook halloffame |
2014-03-21 | Print all your facebok liked pages names | facebook |
2014-03-22 | Download all messages between you and a friend from facebook | rails facebook |
2014-03-23 | PDF to Text converter using ruby | pdf |
2014-03-24 | Uplaod files and images from you android to your desktop/laptop | android sinatra |
2014-03-25 | Get your twitter Now playing stream | twitter nowplaying music |
2014-03-26 | Draw a Moving line with mouse using Ruby and Gosu gem | gosu drawing |
2014-03-27 | Ruby Maze Generator | maze game algorithm |
2014-03-28 | Commandline Key Value Storage application | storage commander |
2014-03-29 | Submit Protip to Coderwall.com using Selenium | coderwall selenium |
2014-03-30 | Execute code online and return output | evalin code |
2014-03-31 | Track your computer open/shutdown times | track |
2014-04-01 | Get All your Facebook Checkins and print out location lang/long | checkins facebook |
2014-04-02 | Post to your linkedin account using ruby | linkedin |
2014-04-20 | Convert Ruby scripts to HTML and Markdown | markdown docco |
2014-04-21 | Facebook Bot responds with code output | rails |
2014-04-22 | Forgiving ruby | code evalin |
2014-04-23 | How do i automate creating these posts images | graph |
2014-04-24 | Simple sorting algorithms with ruby | cairo |
2014-04-28 | Create a graph of all defined Classes | algorithm |
2014-04-30 | Scrap UK top 40 singles chart from BBC | bbc uk_top_40 |
2014-05-09 | Download latest images from AWW subreddit | reddit pets |
2014-05-12 | Auto change wallpaper on linux from reddit | reddit linux |
2014-05-13 | Printing twitter and github followers | rails twitter github |
2014-05-21 | Share your music library on the network | rails music |
2014-06-03 | A Method swapping between objects in ruby (method swizzle) | rails |
2014-06-23 | An alarm to tell you to go home with ruby and GTK | gtk |
2014-06-24 | Download a list of email gravatar images | gravatar |
Emad Elsaid [email protected]
This project is released under MIT license, you are free to use it for personal and commercial projects.