#!/usr/bin/env ruby
Author : Emad Elsaid (https://github.com/blazeeboy)
this script will get your followers count across socsial media, i get the user profile page and use Regex to grab the followers number
require 'open-uri'
Getting github followers
def github( username )
page = open("https://github.com/#{username}").read
followers = page.scan(/<.+>([0-9]+)<.+>[[:space:]]+followers/i).flatten.first
puts "Github : #{followers} Followers"
get twitter followers by twitter handle
def twitter( username )
page = open("https://twitter.com/#{username}").read
followers = page.scan(/followers<.+>[[:space:]]+<.+>([0-9]+)<.+>/i).flatten.first
puts "Twitter : #{followers} Followers"
use them to print your followers using github username and twitter handle
github 'blazeeboy'
twitter 'blaz_boy'```