- This project analyzes PE information of exe files to detect malware.
- In this repository you will learn how to create your own dataset and will be able to see the use of machine learning models using the dataset.
- We will use machine learning for detect malware.
This pe information was extracted using pefile.
If you want to create your own dataset, check out Data_Set_Generator.ipynb
or you can use data-set/MalwareDataSet.csv
This dataset (MalwareDataSet.csv) contains a total of 137,444 data
There are 96,526 safe and 40,918 malware
It has a total of 9 columns. The information of these columns is as follows:
* AddressOfEntryPoint
* MajorLinkerVersion
* MajorImageVersion
* MajorOperatingSystemVersion
* DllCharacteristics
* SizeOfStackReserve
* NumberOfSections
* ResourceSize
* legitimate
We used 3 different classification algorithms. These :
* K Nearest Neighbors (KNN)
* Decision Tree
* Random Forest
The Success Rate was calculated as % 97.56118855679404 with the K-Nearest-Neighbors
The Success Rate was calculated as % 98.59433660254359 with the Decision Tree
The Success Rate was calculated as % 99.1240068682518 with the Random Forest