Releases: energye/energy
Releases · energye/energy
- CLI Add optimization CMD
- SDK update
- .energy The global parameter version is added to the current development environment energy version vx.x.x
- sdk Write the current version number > version after installation
- init optimization
- Added the -v[version] parameter, which is used to specify the energy version x.x.x | vx.x
- If -v is not specified, it is directly used > version when the version number is available
- If -v is not specified, no version is available > version. The remote network obtains the latest version. If the obtaining fails, enter the specified version
- cli update
- -v (energy version) Upgrades go.mod energy
- -p project app path
- --ws Used linux args GTK2
- Added initial LoongArch64 support, LibLCL is not yet available
- Note: This upgrade optimizes CLI and adjusts the energy dynamic library loading. Fixes and optimizes known issues.
- Fix: types/message_386arm, build tags
- R: Remove the ENERGY_HOME environment variable configuration and change it to the ~/.energy configuration
- U: Optimized LibLCL library loading
- U: api WidgetUI Condition processing
- Fix: new 2.5.x MacOS drag bug
- Fix: main window hidden state, bug when closing
- A: Linux API LinuxWindowProperties, Set WM Class, Name
- CLI: install --all, Add the -all parameter, skip manual selection, and install all required software by default
- CLI: package argument, Add file, outfile
- CLI: env, add .energy Proxy config
- CLI: A lot of optimization and modification, for the development environment, build, installation package production
- CLI: Build binaries based on your current environment
- U: examples
- Note: Weight update, supporting CEF 130.1.16, adjusted to support CEF special edition updates, removed version 106,
replaced with version 101, and added dynamic library builds for all supported CEF platforms except Windows ARM64. - Upgrade. Due to the large number of apis optimized and fixed after the upgrade,
Some functions are backward incompatible, and the extension component interface has been removed. - R: Remove the Go implementation's internal IPC package, pkgs/channel, and keep it available as a separate module to resolve potential issues
- R: The trigger targets (TgJs, TgGoSub, TgGoMain) in IPc.ON listening mode are removed, so that only JS is On the Go trigger ipc receiver
- U: Modified ipc implementation to fully use CEF process messages, previous version of some functions used pkgs/channel implementation
- U: Modified the drag energyExtension JS extension
- U: Adjust the structure of all interface types to implement their own place
- Optimize and fix historical legacy issues
- Fix: Incorrect keyboard event parameter value
- Fix: Fixed errors in compound base type parameter passing
- U: CLI > 2.4.6, In future release versions of the CLI, the version number will be synchronized with the main version number.
- U: CLI - Add Registry for obtaining remote configurations
- Fix: #45 Windows right-click menu to view source code crash issue
- U: energy.json > config/energy_[os].json, Simultaneous initialization of multi platform configuration
- U: demo crawling-web-pages/devtools
- U: demo devtools SetRemoteDebuggingPort
- Fix: cli install
- Fix: LoadLibrary liblcl ERROR
- A: JS ipc.on options: mode, async result
- Fix: #39 energy cli CTRL+C Force Exit
- A: demo vue & ipc types ipc.d.ts
- Fix: #42 Optimize MacOS development mode package creation and update issues
- U: cli, MacOS helper process ln, Reduce the size of the app package, About 4 times the size of the main process file
- U: Upgrade Golcl v1.0.12
- U: winapi Change some function parameters to pointer pass
- U: energy cli, Retrieve installation environment commands remotely
- U: Remove CLI dependencies
- U: energy cli, add cli -v, -u
- U: workflows: go-version: '1.20'
- U: Optimize and remove unnecessary code
- A: Add OpenGL TOpenGLControl Component, and add OpenGL example
- Fix: frameless window DPI issue
- U: Upgrade golcl v1.0.11
- cli, add check version
- Fix: #32 The rendering process ipc listens for adding a frameId group. Add a frame object to implement the ipc target.IWindow interface
- Fix: #33 After obtaining the window handle, pop-up window dragging failed
- Fix: #34 --webkit-app-region Invalid after refreshing the page
- Windows and MacOS optimize borderless window styles. Previously, there was no glass shadow when borderless, but now it is the same as the system default,
- Windows, MacOS windows drag and resize using JS-IPC implementation
Full Changelog: v2.4.1...v2.4.2
- A: CEFTask CefPostTask, CefPostDelayedTask, CefCurrentlyOn
- Fix: Issue of rendering process deadlock caused by IPC nested calls
- U: command-line update
- U: demo gifplay