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.NET library to automate trace and observability of REST APIs in microservices environment


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OpenSharpTrace is a C# .NET library that allows extending any WebApi controller to automate a custom trace and observability of REST APIs in microservices environment.


OpenSharpTrace offers the following features to enhance tracing and logging capabilities in .NET applications:

  • Distributed Tracing: Seamlessly integrate distributed tracing into your application to monitor and analyze requests across services.
  • Customizable Sampling: Support for configurable sampling strategies to manage trace data volume effectively.
  • Extensible Framework: Easily extend and adapt the library to fit your specific tracing needs.
  • Performance Optimization: Minimal performance overhead to ensure smooth application operation.
  • Multi-environment Support: Effortless configuration and deployment across various environments, including development, staging, and production.

These features make OpenSharpTrace a powerful and flexible choice for implementing robust tracing solutions in your .NET ecosystem.


You can install the library via the NuGet package manager with the following command:

dotnet add package OpenSharpTrace

How it works

OpenSharpTrace implements a custom controller that overrides the OnActionExecuting and OnActionExecuted events to capture the request and response data. These are then encapsulated in a Trace object, which can be persisted specifically to SQL. All the relevant information needed for tracing both the request and response is automatically persisted, in details:

  • TransactionId: identifier associated with the request (retrieved from the header).
  • ServerId: name of the server.
  • ClientId: name of the client (retrieved from the header).
  • HttpMethod: HTTP method on the controller.
  • HttpPath: HTTP endpoint on the controller.
  • HttpStatusCode: HTTP result status code.
  • ActionDescriptor: full action descriptor detail.
  • RemoteAddress: IP address of the consumer.
  • JsonRequest: JSON serialization of the request.
  • JsonResponse: JSON serialization of the response.
  • TimeStamp: UTC timestamp.
  • Exception: possible exception message.
  • ExecutionTime: total action execution time in milliseconds.

TransactionId and ConsumerId retrieved from the header should be enhanced by the client to allow a possible correlations between calls. In order to enhance the two parameters, client will have to add the followuing header keys:

  • TRANSACTION for TransactionId
  • CONSUMER for ClientId

for example:

HttpRequestMessage request = new HttpRequestMessage();
request.RequestUri = new Uri("API_URI");
request.Headers.Add("TRANSACTION", "123456789");
request.Headers.Add("CONSUMER", "client-name");

How to use it

To use the OpenSharpTrace library, each WebApi controller must extend the OpenSharpTraceController controller:

using OpenSharpTrace.Abstractions.Persistence;
using OpenSharpTrace.Controllers;

public class WeatherForecastController : OpenSharpTraceController

each controller must implement the following constructor, for example:

public WeatherForecastController(
	ILogger<WeatherForecastController> logger,
	ITraceQueue<Trace> transactionQueue) : base(logger, transactionQueue)
	_logger = logger;

for older version of the library (2.0.0 or above):

public WeatherForecastController(
	ILoggerFactory loggerFactory, 
	ISqlTraceRepository repository) 
: base(loggerFactory, repository)
    _logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger(GetType().ToString());

You also need to register the OpenSharpTrace middleware. To do this, add the following configurations under WebApplicationBuilder:

using OpenSharpTrace.Middleware;

// ...

In the source code you can find a simple test Web Api.

Available connectors


Currently the only connector available is the SQL connector on the Trace table using Entity Framework Core. The following is the table creation script:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Trace](
	[Id] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
	[TransactionId] [nvarchar](MAX) NULL,
	[ServerId] [nvarchar](MAX) NULL,
	[ClientId] [nvarchar](MAX) NULL,
	[HttpMethod] [nvarchar](7) NULL,
	[HttpPath] [nvarchar](MAX) NULL,
	[HttpStatusCode] [int] NULL,
	[ActionDescriptor] [nvarchar](MAX) NULL,
	[RemoteAddress] [nvarchar](MAX) NULL,
	[JsonRequest] [nvarchar](MAX) NULL,
	[JsonResponse] [nvarchar](MAX) NULL,
	[TimeStamp] [datetime2](7) NULL,
	[Exception] [nvarchar](MAX) NULL,
	[ExecutionTime] [numeric] NULL,

From version 4.1.0 onwards, table creation is handled automatically, in case it is missing on the SQL instance.

Remember to populate the TraceDb key within the SQL connection strings config file:

  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "TraceDb": "Server=(***;Database=***;Trusted_Connection=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=true"


Thank you for considering to help out with the source code! If you'd like to contribute, please fork, fix, commit and send a pull request for the maintainers to review and merge into the main code base.


OpenSharpTrace source code is available under MIT License, see license in the source.


Please contact at francesco.delre[at] for any details.