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Starting Seer

Ernie Pasveer edited this page Aug 13, 2023 · 2 revisions

Seer is meant to easily start the program to debug from the command line. Gdb has multiple methods for debugging a program, so Seer, naturally, does too.

% seergdb --start myprog arg1 arg2                  # Debug myprog with its arguments. Break in main().
% seergdb --run   myprog arg1 arg2                  # Debug myprog with its arguments. Run it immediately without breaking.
% seergdb --attach <pid>  myprog                    # Debug myprog by attaching to the currently running pid.
% seergdb --attach <pid>                            # Debug by attaching to the currently running pid. "myprog" is determined
                                                    # looking at /proc/<pid>/exe
% seergdb --connect <host:port> myprog              # Debug myprog by connecting to the currently started gdbserver process.
% seergdb --rr      <host:port>                     # Debug a program by connecting to a RR replay session.
% seergdb --core <corefile> myprog                  # Debug a corefile for myprog.

% seergdb --project myproject.seer                  # Load a debug session from a project file.
                                                    # Define and save a project in the Debug dialog.

% seergdb                                           # Bring up a Debug dialog to set the program and debug method.
% seergdb myprog arg1 arg2                          # Bring up a Debug dialog to set the debug method.

% seergdb --config                                  # Bring up Seer config dialog.
                                                    # Save settings with 'Settings->Save Configuration'.

A breakpoint file can be read for --start and --run modes. This file contains previously saved breakpoints (breakpoints, catchpoints, printpoints, etc.)

% seergdb --run --bl myprog.brk  myprog arg1 arg2   # Debug myprog with its arguments.
                                                    # Run it immediately and break at points describe in
                                                    # myprog.brk

A breakpoint function can be set for --start and --run modes. The function can be a function name or an address (eg: _start or 0xadad23220)

% seergdb --run --bf _start myprog arg1 arg2        # Debug myprog with its arguments.
                                                    # Run it immediately and break in the function '_start'.

The Assembly Tab can be shown for --start and --run modes.

% seergdb --start --sat yes myprog arg1 arg2        # Debug myprog with its arguments.
                                                    # Break in "main" and show the Assemby Tab.

The program's starting address can be randomizes for --start and --run modes. Normally gdb runs the program with no start address randomization.

% seergdb --start --sar yes  myprog arg1 arg2       # Debug myprog with its arguments.
                                                    # The program's start address is randomized.

The program's symbols can be taken from a separated file instead of the executable.

% seergdb --sym myprog.db myprog arg1 arg2          # Debug myprog with its arguments.
                                                    # Take the symbols from myprog.dbg.

See "-h" for the full Seer help.

% seergdb -h

Some of the command line options can be permamently set in the Seer configuration.

% seergdb --config                                  # Bring up Seer config dialog.
                                                    # Save settings with 'Settings->Save Configuration'.
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