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This repository contains utility scripts for preprocessing Quotebank [1]. Currently, two scripts are available:

  • - converts Quotebank data stored in JSON format to parquet format. Parquet files are faster to load, making data exploration significantly more convenient. For details about the Parquet format, see the official documentation.
  • - performs basic cleanup of the quotation-centric Quotebank data and assigns a Wikidata QID to the respective speaker of each quotation. In other words, the script links each attributed speaker to its corresponding Wikidata item, making Wikidata's rich knowledge usable for further analyses. To be more specific, performs the following preprocessing steps:
    • removal of the quotes that meet the following conditions:
      • attributed to no speaker
      • that can be parsed as a date
      • where the speaker name is identified as spurious (see data/blacklists/name_blacklist.txt)
      • that appear only on domains identified as faulty (see data/blacklists/domain_blacklist.txt)
      • mentioning the speaker to which they are attributed (self-quotations) by joining Quotebank with self_quotations_filtered
    • speaker disambiguation by joining Quotebank with data/quotebank_disambiguation_mapping_quote.parquet (see the instructions below to get the required data). Due to the size of Quotebank, speaker disambiguation mapping has been obtained using lightweight heuristics [2].

Usage instructions

  1. Clone this repository by running
git clone

or, if you have an ssh key set up with GitHub, by running

git clone [email protected]:epfl-dlab/quotebank-toolkit
  1. Position yourself inside the repository by running
cd quotebank-toolkit
  1. Download the quotation-centric Quotebank from Zenodo into data/quotes. You only need to download the files whose name follows the format quotes-YYYY.json.bz2.
  2. Download the data required to run the scripts. The data is available on Zenodo.
  3. Unzip the data into data.
  4. You can run the scripts in a Conda environment or a Docker container. If you want to run the scripts in a Conda environment, please see Conda environment instructions. Otherwise, see Docker container instructions.
  5. For the details about the scripts and their respective arguments, please see Script-specific instructions.

Conda environment instructions

  1. Install Anaconda (64-bit Python 3.9 version)
  2. Setup the virtual environment named quotebank-toolkit to install all the required dependencies by running the command
conda env create -f quotebank_toolkit.yml
  1. Activate the installed environment
conda activate quotebank-toolkit

Docker container instructions

  1. Install Docker.
  2. Pull the maculjak/quotebank-toolkit Docker image from DockerHub by running
docker pull maculjak/quotebank-toolkit
  1. Run the Docker container by using
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/quotebank-toolkit maculjak/quotebank-toolkit

This command will run the container and start a new bash shell inside it with all the dependencies installed. The folder quotebank-toolkit will be created inside the container and bind it with the current working directory. This will make the scripts and data accessible from the container. 4. Position yourself inside the quotebank-toolkit directory by running

cd quotebank-toolkit

Script-specific instructions

To run this script, run the following command:

python \
        --spark-config SPARK_CONFIG \
        --json JSON_DATA \
        --parquet PARQUET_DATA
  • SPARK_CONFIG - Path to the file configuring a Spark session. For details about configuring Spark sessions, please see the official documentation. This should provide you with enough information to configure the Spark sessions according to your needs. You can add options to the config file according to the Application properties table in the documentation. The only option in the provided config file not mentioned in the official documentation is num_threads, whose name is self-explanatory. It merely sets the maximum number of processor threads usable by the script. In the files config_low.ini, config_medium.ini and config_high.ini, you can find example Spark configurations for low, medium, and high resource usage, respectively. You can see the running times for each script with each configuration in the Running times table at the end of this README.
  • JSON_DATA - Path to the file with Quotebank data in JSON format.
  • PARQUET_DATA - Path where Quotebank will be saved in Parquet format.

For example:

python \
        --spark-config config.ini \
        --json data/quotes \
        --parquet data/quotes.parquet

This command will use Spark configuration specified in config.ini, read the quotes stored in data/quotes, and write the resulting data in Parquet format to data/quotes_parquet

To run this script, run the following command:

python \
	--spark-config SPARK_CONFIG \
	--input INPUT \
	--output OUTPUT \
	--input_format INPUT_FORMAT \
	--output_format OUTPUT_FORMAT \
	--disambiguation-mapping DISAMBIGUATION_MAPPING \
	--self-quotations-filtered SELF_QUOTATIONS_FILTERED \
	--blacklists BLACKLISTS \
	--compression COMPRESSION \
	--min-quotation-length MIN_QUOTATION_LENGTHS
  • SPARK_CONFIG - Path to the file with the configuration for a Spark session. For details, please see the instructions for .
  • INPUT - Path to the original quotation-centric Quotebank data.
  • OUTPUT - Path where clean quotation-centric Quotebank data will be written.
  • INPUT_FORMAT - Format of the input data. (e.g., json, parquet, etc.)
  • OUTPUT_FORMAT - Format of the output data. (e.g., json, parquet etc.)
  • DISAMBIGUATION_MAPPING - Path to the quoteID $\rightarrow$ speakerQID mapping.
  • SELF_QUOTATIONS_FILTERED - Path to the data containing quoteIDs of quotations that are not self-attributed. Self-attributed quotations are mostly falsely attributed and should be removed.
  • BLACKLISTS - Path to the folder containing name and domain blacklists used for filtering quotations appearing only on spurious domains or attributed to speakers with spurious names.
  • COMPRESSION - Compression algorithm (e.g., bz2, gzip, etc.) used to compress the resulting data. If not specified, the data will not be compressed.
  • MIN_QUOTATION_LENGTH - Minimum quotation length in Penn Treebank tokens. Extremely short quotations are usually noise and should be removed. The recommended value for this argument is 5. Since tokenization is the most computationally expensive operation performed by this script, not removing short quotations by setting this argument to 0 will speed up the runtime significantly.

For example:

python \
	--spark-config config.ini \
	--input data/quotes.parquet \
	--output data/quotes_clean_parquet.parquet \
	--input_format parquet \
	--output_format parquet \
	--disambiguation-mapping data/quotebank_disambiguation_mapping_quote.parquet \
	--self-quotations-filtered data/self_quotations_filtered.parquet \
	--blacklists data/blacklists \
	--min-quotation-length 5

This command will use the Spark session configuration specified in config.ini, read the quotes stored in Parquet format in data/quotes_parquet, and write the resulting data in Parquet format to data/quotes_clean_parquet. For speaker disambiguation and self-quotation removal, the data from data/quotebank_disambiguation_mapping_quote and data/self_quotations_filtered.parquet will be used, respectively. The blacklists will be loaded from data/blacklists, while all the quotations with less than 5 Penn Treebank tokens will be removed. The resulting dataset will not be compressed as nothing was passed to the compression argument. Note that the proposed preprocessing steps can only clean up Quotenank partially, and a portion of faulty and falsely attributed quotations will remain in the dataset.

Running times table

Script Configuration Approximate running time in minutes high 50
medium 60
low 90 high 60
medium 80
low 150

Inference times in the table are estimated using the example arguments as shown above on Intel Xeon E5-2680 v3 @ 2.50GHz. The "high", "medium", and "low" values in the "Configuration" column correspond to Spark configurations given in config_high.ini, config_medium.ini, config_low.ini, respectively.


[1] Timoté Vaucher, Andreas Spitz, Michele Catasta, and Robert West. “Quotebank: A Corpus of Quotations from a Decade of News”. In Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining. 2021.

[2] Marko Čuljak, Andreas Spitz, Robert West, Akhil Arora. “Strong Heuristics for Named Entity Linking”. In Proceedings 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Student Research Workshop.


Scripts for cleaning and enriching Quotebank






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