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A tool suite for converting DLS XML builder projects to epics-containers ibek.

PyPI pip install builder2ibek
╭─ Commands ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ xml2yaml        Convert a builder XML IOC instance definition file into an   │
│                 ibek YAML file                                               │
│ beamline2yaml   Convert all IOCs in a BLXXI-SUPPORT project into a set of    │
│                 ibek services folders (TODO)                                 │
│ autosave        Convert DLS autosave DB template comments into autosave req  │
│                 files                                                        │
│ db-compare      Compare two DB files and output the differences              │

How to use the devcontainer

This repo includes a devcontainer for testing and developing converters.

To use this re-open in container.

  • First make sure you have the submodules
    • git submodule update --init
  • This adds ibek-support and ibek-support-dls meaning that we can validate converted projects against a global ibek schema that include all support modules currently defined in ibek-support*.
  • To add a new IOC to the tests simply copy its XML definition into tests/samples. Then run ./tests/samples/ to convert the XML to YAML and create a test for it.
  • important: this will re-convert all of the sample XML files in the samples folder. Always check the diff before committing.

Once you have done this you can iterate on converting your XML:

  • make changes to the ibek support yaml in ibek-support-dls and ibek-support
  • make changes/additions to src/builder2ibek/converters/*.py
  • re-convert your XML with ./tests/samples/
  • rebuild the global ioc yaml schema with ./update-schema
  • Inspect your generated YAML in tests/samples and look for schema validation issues (make sure you have the RedHat YAML extension installed in VSCode)
  • NOTE: sometimes the YAML extension does not notice changes to the schema. If you are seeing errors that you think are incorrect, opening the exttension settings and toggling the Yaml: Validate off and on again can help - it's the last option.