Node JS client library that implements the Tog specification for feature flags over Redis.
$ npm install tog-node
For details, see the full API reference.
const { SessionClient } = require('tog-node')
const sessions = new SessionClient('redis://')
// wherever you whish to retrieve a session
const session = await sessions.session('my_app', 'session-123-xyz')
const buttonColor = session.flags['blue-button'] ? 'blue' : 'red'
const { FlagClient } = require('tog-node')
const flags = new FlagClient('redis://')
const allFlags = await flags.listFlags('my_app')
const oneFlag = await flags.getFlag('my_app', 'blue-button')
await flags.saveFlag({
namespace: 'my_app',
name: 'blue-button',
description: 'Makes the call-to-action button blue',
rollout: [
{ percentage: 30, value: true } // will be `true` for 30% of users
const deleted = await flags.deleteFlag('my_app', 'blue-button')