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This npm package is published here: echaloasuerte-js-sdk

To publish a new version

We need to release a new version of the SDK everytime something changes in the backend API (i.e when something is changed in the the swagger file).

To publish a new version of the SDK, follow the steps above:

  1. Setup the repo

     // Clone the repo
     git clone [email protected]:etcaterva/eas-js-sdk.git
     // Generate the sdk
     cd eas-js-sdk
     nvm use
     npm install
  2. Generate the SDK using the latest version of the swagger file

    npm run build
    // You can also build the SDK from a local swagger file
    npm run build-from-local
  3. Push the sdk upstream

    git add -A
    git commit -m "Update SDK"
    git push origin master
  4. Release the new version

    1. Go to the releases section of this repo
    2. Click on Draft a new release
    3. Fill the tag with the appropriate version
    4. Publish the release! (and wait for the pipeline to finish)

To install the new version in the client

From the client do:

npm i echaloasuerte-js-sdk@latest --save-dev