--Addresses many bugs and adds various features/tweaks from the past year.
--This release is missing several features I was wanting to finish up and include, but I'd rather get something out now than it possibly taking another 6 months.
Client engine:
-Opening in-game menu pauses demo playback.
-Added demo_restart command (from NewJK)
-Allow demos with names longer than 64 characters to play.
-Added custom chatstyle support (prepends/appends custom strings to sent public chat messages) specified using cl_chatStylePrefix & cl_chatStyleSuffix.
-Added master.ouned.de to default master servers.
-Added %P% chat token. Creating a say bind with %P% will now show your current ping in chat.
New jaPRO cgame features:
-Added K/D to scoreboard using clientside death tracking on base servers with cg_scoreDeaths 2 (note that vid_restart or connecting to a server halfway thru a match will reset death counts).
-Added /follow command to directly follow someone by either name or client number (convenient on base/JA+ servers).
-cg_killmessage 2 now removes the score and position change in centerprint when killing someone in FFA.
-Added cg_forceOwnSaber, allows someone to use a custom hilt on themselves, regardless of the server having them.
-Using /saber without argument now prints currently used hilt(s) (or what's seen by other players when using cg_forceOwnSaber)
-Added modder friendly .sab file keys "customBladeShader", "customTrailShader", "customGlowShader", and "customRGB" for custom lightsaber hilts
-Added cg_chatSounds 2 so you only have to listen to beeping noises when private messaged or team chatted
-Added a way to control the word "Begin!" at the start of a duel: cg_duelSounds 0 = nothing, 1 = centerprint & sound, 2 = sound only, 3 = centerprint only
-Randomized saber sounds based on client number so they don't all sound alike and look alike. Except on Wednesdays. On Wednesdays they wear pink.
-You can now toggle on chatbox visibility while the console is open using cg_chatBoxHistory.
Misc jaPRO cgame fixes:
-Fixed centerprint kill messages so they will no longer cut off long names. XxXxXxOPHackerManxXxXxX can now be seen in all his glory.
-Gender now resets when loading new clientinfo. JKA will now stop assuming your gender.
-Fixed camera jerk when toggling cg_thirdPerson/strafeHelper.
-Fixed footstep sounds playing when running in water.
jaPRO serverside:
-Added g_fixExplosiveHitboxes command that will make hitboxes for tripmines/detpacks bigger, to more closely match their respective models.
-Remove Com_Error preventing many SP maps from loading.
Dedicated serverside engine changes
-Implemented basic mod detection dedicated server (Base, JA+, MBII, JAPro, OpenJK), used to control handling for various bugfixes/workarounds.
-sv_legacyFixes bitvalues, which disable fixes for all engine-side bug and exploit patches. (sv_legacyFixes 0 disables all, 1 enables all, bits 1 thru 12 control individual exploit fixes).
-Allowed cp_disableplugin (whether or not you see someone in a duel) to be respected despite serverside duel isolation. Servers will now be more respectful of client's settings.
-Fixed modelglitch on Base. No more ruining TFFA!
-Improved collision with people in a duel for a player in FFA with vanilla JAMP cgame.
-Alt attack when spectating -Added the altfire bind in spectator mode will now trigger followPrevious so that you don't have to cycle all the way back around when you over-click.
-Fix obscure staff backwards DFA exploit.
-Other misc bug & crash fixes for base and older mods.
-Added DST detection and autokick. Does not include ice for their burns.