Cannot be merged when next version is not a major release
PR that doesn't affect the runtime behavior
Pull requests that adds/updates a dependency
Improvements or additions to documentation
Issues that related to external services
Changes to our infrastructure or project setup
Permutes locale definitions
PR that affects the runtime behavior, but doesn't add new features or fixes bugs
Indicates a vulnerability
A deprecation was made in the PR
Do not merge this PR into the target branch yet
Duplicate of another issue/PR
Workaround provided or linked
Extra attention is needed
Something is referring to the airline module
Something is referring to the animal module
Something is referring to the animal module
Something is referring to the color module
Something is referring to the commerce module
Something is referring to the company module
Something is referring to the database module
Something is referring to the datatype module
Something is referring to the date module
Something is referring to the finance module
Something is referring to the food module