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This repository was archived by the owner on Jan 14, 2021. It is now read-only.

A webapp that allows searching packages in Fedora. Written in Python using TurboGears2 and Moksha.


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fedora-packages allows to search for packages in Fedora.


Would be nice to have a bit more documentation.

Hacking with docker-compose

We have a docker-compose setup for hacking on the fedora-packages app. This setup matches the production deployment of fedora-packages (i.e. Apache HTTP server with mod_wsgi) that is split over several Ansible files in Fedora infrastructure repository.

To bring the environment up you should first install the following.

$ sudo dnf install docker-compose

And then make sure that the docker daemon is running.

$ sudo systemctl start docker
$ sudo systemctl enable docker

If you do not wish to run docker-compose using sudo you will need to add your user to the docker group as follow.

$ sudo groupadd docker && sudo gpasswd -a $USER docker
$ MYGRP=$(id -g) ; newgrp docker ; newgrp $MYGRP

This is has for effect to give root permission to users added to the docker group.

Now from the devel directory you can run docker-compose.

$ cd devel
$ docker-compose up

The first time you execute this command, it will build a docker container and it will take few minutes. Once the build is finish and the application is started you can access the fedora-packages using this url

Reloading the application after code changes

Since we are using apache HTTP server to serve the application we need to run the following command to reload the application to test some code changes.

$ cd devel
$ docker-compose exec web touch /usr/share/fedoracommunity/fedora-packages.wsgi

This will change the timestamp of the .wsgi file and ask apache to reload the application.

Running the unit tests

To execute the test suite simply run the following command

$ docker-compose exec web py.test /usr/share/fedoracommunity/tests

Hacking with Vagrant

We have a simple vagrant setup for hacking on the fedora-packages app.

First, install Ansible, Vagrant, the vagrant-sshfs plugin, and the vagrant-libvirt plugin from the official Fedora repos:

$ sudo dnf install ansible vagrant vagrant-libvirt vagrant-sshfs

Now, from within main directory (the one with the Vagrantfile in it) of your git checkout of fedora-pacakges, run the vagrant up command to provision your dev environment:

$ vagrant up

When this command is completed (it may take a while) you will be able to ssh into your dev VM with vagrant ssh and then run the command to start the fedora-packages server:

$ vagrant ssh
[vagrant@localhost ~]$ pushd /vagrant/; gearbox serve;

Once that is running, simply go to http://localhost:8080/ in your browser on your host to see your running fedora-packages test instance.

Create a new release.

To create a new release, you need to update and fedora-packages.spec with the new version number and any dependencies added or removed.

The CHANGELOG.rst needs also to be updated with the commits and pull-requests included in the release.

Once these 3 files have been updated and commited to the develop branch, you create a new Git tag.

$ git tag -a 4.1.0 -s -m 'Release 4.1.0'
$ git push && git push --tag

Once the tag has been successfully pushed, a new release will be available in github.


fedora-packages is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0. See COPYING included with the distribution for details.