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An image to build go programs and deploy them in Kubernetes in one step

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An image to build go programs and deploy them in Kubernetes using ko.

On Google Cloud GKE

Prepare the cluster

  • define the PROJECT variable with the name of your Google Cloud project:

    $ PROJECT=my-project
  • Create a Google Cloud service account with access to the registry of the project and get a JSON key for this service account, for example:

    $ gcloud iam service-accounts create ko-builder-sa \
       --description "SA for KO builder" \
       --display-name "SA for KO builder"
    Created service account [ko-builder-sa].
    $ gcloud iam service-accounts enable \
    Enabled service account [ko-builder-sa@$].
    $ gcloud iam service-accounts keys create key.json \
       --iam-account \
    created key [...] of type [json] as [key.json] for [[email protected]]
    $ gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT \
      --member \
      "serviceAccount:ko-builder-sa@$" --role "roles/storage.admin"
    Updated IAM policy for project [$PROJECT].
  • Create a Kubernetes secret named gcloud with the key.json contents:

    $ kubectl create secret generic gcloud \
    secret/gcloud created
  • Create a configmap named config with the following variables:

    • REGISTRY: The registry on which to push built images
    • SERVICE_ACCOUNT: a Google Cloud service account with access to registry

    For example:

    $ kubectl create configmap config \
       --from-literal=SERVICE_ACCOUNT=ko-builder-sa@$ \$PROJECT
    configmap/config created
  • Create a Kubernetes service account with credentials to create the resources specified in your repository, for example:

    $ kubectl create sa ko-builder
    serviceaccount/ko-builder created
    $ kubectl create clusterrole ko-builder-role \
     --verb=list,get,create,patch \
    $ kubectl create clusterrolebinding ko-builder-rolebinding \
       --clusterrole=ko-builder-role \
       --serviceaccount=default:ko-builder created

For each program you want to build and deploy

  • Edit the manifest ko-builder.yaml to change:

    • the value of the REPOSITORY environment variable with the repository from which you want to get sources to build,
    • the value of CHECKOUT with the branch / commit to checkout (master if you are not sure),
    • the value of CONFIG_PATH with the path into the repository containing manifests of Kubernetes resources, including Deployment resources with an image field compatible with ko.
  • Start the builder:

    $ kubectl apply -f ko-builder.yaml
    job.batch/ko-builder created
  • Wait for the job completion:

    $ kubectl get jobs ko-builder -w
    job.batch/ko-builder created
    ko-builder   0/1           0s         3s
    ko-builder   1/1           16s        16s
  • Verify that the resources were created:

    you can use kubectl tree plugin and see that the resources created are "owned" by the pod created by the ko-builder job.

    $ kubectl tree jobs ko-builder
    NAMESPACE  NAME                                          READY  REASON        AGE
    default    Job/ko-builder                                -                    44s
    default    └─Pod/ko-builder-x4cgs                        False  PodCompleted  44s
    default      ├─Deployment/echo-controller                -                    18s
    default      │ └─ReplicaSet/echo-controller-5f4bb6868f   -                    18s
    default      │   └─Pod/echo-controller-5f4bb6868f-fj5zk  True                 18s
    default      └─Service/echo-service                      -                    18s
  • Thanks to these owner references, the created objects will be deleted when you delete the parent job ko-builder:

    $ kubectl delete jobs ko-builder
    job.batch "ko-builder" deleted
    # After several seconds
    $ kubectl get deployment echo-controller
    Error from server (NotFound): deployments.extensions "echo-controller" not found
    $ kubectl get svc echo-service
    Error from server (NotFound): services "echo-service" not found

Generating your own ko-builder image

Build the Docker image and push it to your own registry:

$ docker build . -t$PROJECT/ko-builder
Successfully built ...
Successfully tagged$PROJECT/ko-builder:latest
$ docker push$PROJECT/ko-builder

Defining another owner

By default, the Pod deploying the resources will be the owner of the deployed resources.

You can use the following environment variables for the Job to indicate the owner (useful if you want to make execute this task by an operator):

  • OWNER_APIVERSION: the apiVersion of the owner,
  • OWNER_CONTROLLER: true if the owner is a controller, false otherwise,
  • OWNER_KIND: the kind of the owner (kind),
  • OWNER_NAME: the name of the owner (,
  • OWNER_UID: the uid of the owner (metadata.uid).

See also

See also the ko-operator, a Kubernetes operator taking advantage of this image.


An image to build go programs and deploy them in Kubernetes in one step






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