FidusWriter-Citation-API-import is a Fidus Writer plugin to allow for import of citations from external sources via API.
Currently these citation sources are supported: Crossref, Datacite and GESIS Search.
Install Fidus Writer if you haven't done so already.
Within the virtual environment install Fidus Writer with the citation-api-import option::
pip install fiduswriter[citation-api-import]
Add "citation-api-import" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting in the file like this::
INSTALLED_APPS += ( ... 'citation_api_import', )
fiduswriter setup
to create the needed JavaScript files. -
(Re)start your Fidus Writer server
This plugin has been developed by the Opening Scholarly Communications in the Social Sciences (OSCOSS) <>
_ project, financed by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and executed by the University of Bonn and GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences.
Original Developer: Niloofar Azizi <>