- Amazon S3: Web Server
- API Gateway: Service, hosts all the APP’s API API
- Websocket API: communication between user browser and server
- Clicking ”start Game”,a Websocket message: browser → Websocket API
- Lambda function : create, join, start the game, send questions to players, accept the answers, calculate scores
- APP data : DynamoDB Table
- Step function: update to the next question
- lambda(Question): send Question to player
- lambda(Accept Answer): update the DynamoDB item
- lambda(Calculate Score): loops over Answers in DynamoDB Table, update & send Scores back to players
services and Tools:
- Python for Backend
- React for Fronted
- AWS service, API Gateway, S3, lambda function, Step function, DynamoDB
In this task, you deploy the application stack by using the AWS SAM and the AWS CLI. You also make a few minor configuration changes.
In the AWS Cloud9 terminal, change the directory to the
folder and use AWS SAM to build thetemplate.yaml
file.cd trivia-app sam build # prepares an application for subsequent steps in the developer workflow, such as local testing or deploying to the AWS Cloud sam deploy --guided # deploys an application to the AWS Cloud, --guided: Specify this option to have the AWS SAM CLI use prompts to guide you through the deployment
AWS SAM settings: For the Stack Name, make sure to copy
and paste it. However, for the other entries, accept the default selections by pressing Enter or Return.Stack Name [sam-app]: trivia-app AWS Region [us-west-2]: <Press Enter or Return> #Shows you resources changes to be deployed and require a 'Y' to initiate deploy Confirm changes before deploy [y/N]: <Press Enter or Return> #SAM needs permission to be able to create roles to connect to the resources in your template Allow SAM CLI IAM role creation [Y/n]: <Press Enter or Return> Save arguments to configuration file [Y/n]: <Press Enter or Return> SAM configuration file [samconfig.toml]: <Press Enter or Return> SAM configuration environment [default]: <Press Enter or Return>
You should get confirmation that the stack was created successfully.
Successfully created/updated stack - trivia-app in us-west-2
From the Outputs table in the terminal output, copy the Websocket Value. It should look similar to the following example:
Description API Gateway websockets endpoint Value wss://qyb8smgla1.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/Prod
Successfully created/updated stack - trivia-app in us-west-2
const config = require('./config.js');
console.log(config.WebsocketEndpoint); // output WebSocket endpoint URL
cd front-end-react/
npm install # 用于安装一个 Node.js 项目的所有依赖项。当执行此命令时,npm (Node Package Manager) 会查看项目根目录下的 package.json 文件
npm run start # 此命令实际执行的具体操作是在 package.json 文件的 scripts 部分中定义的 start 脚本。对于许多基于 create-react-app 的项目,npm run start 会启动一个本地开发服务器,默认情况下在浏览器中打开 http://localhost:3000
shift-ctrl-P -> python configure test, settings.json:
"python.testing.pytestArgs": [
"python.testing.unittestEnabled": false,
"python.testing.nosetestsEnabled": false,
"python.testing.pytestEnabled": true
Let's say you have a Lambda function that is triggered through the API Gateway to process a POST request containing user information. If the body of the request is a JSON string like this:
{ "name": "John Doe", "age": 30 }
name = get_body_param(event, "name") # event is what API Gateway pass to Lambda function
# 假设这是从 DynamoDB 表中获取的当前游戏中所有玩家的连接 ID 列表
player_connections = ["conn_id_1", "conn_id_2", "conn_id_3"]
# 准备要广播的数据
data = {
"action": "gamestarted",
"message": "The game has started!"
# 调用 send_broadcast 函数,向所有玩家广播游戏开始的消息
send_broadcast(player_connections, data)
def trivia_newgame(event, _): # _: 占位符,表示此函数不使用其第二个位置参数
# event: 包含触发 Lambda 函数的事件信息的字典。对于由 API Gateway 触发的 Lambda 函数,这个字典包含了 HTTP 请求的详细信息
"Lambda function to intitate a new game"
game_id = uuid.uuid4().hex
# write the connection and game id into the dynamo table
connection_id = event["requestContext"]["connectionId"]
player_name = get_random_player_name()
connection = {
"gameId": game_id,
"connectionId": connection_id,
"playerName": player_name,
"score": 0
} # 创建一个包含游戏 ID、连接 ID、玩家名和初始分数的字典(connection),并将这个字典作为一个新item保存到DynamoDB表中
# send game created
Data=json.dumps({"action": "gamecreated", "gameId": game_id}),
# send player list of single player,初始化客户端界面上的玩家列表
Data=json.dumps({"action": "playerlist", "players": [
"connectionId" : connection_id,
"currentPlayer" : True,
"playerName": player_name,
"score": 0
return {
"statusCode": 200,
"body": 'Game created.'
} # 返回值表明新游戏创建过程成功完成,并将通过 API Gateway 返回给客户端
- 在一个实时的多玩家在线游戏中,当一个玩家想要创建一个新的游戏实例时,客户端应用会通过 WebSocket 向后端发送一个请求。
- 这个请求被 API Gateway 捕获并触发
Lambda 函数。 - 函数执行上述逻辑,创建游戏实例,并通过 WebSocket 通知客户端游戏已创建,准备玩家加入。
def trivia_startgame(event, _):
"Lambda function to start a game"
game_id = get_body_param(event, "gameid")
state_machine = os.getenv("STATE_MACHINE")
questions = QUESTIONS.copy()
questions = questions[:10] # 选取列表中的前10个问题作为这场游戏的题目
machine_input = { # STEPFUNCTIONS在执行时候的input,key是自定义的
"gameid": game_id,
"questions": questions,
"waitseconds": WAIT_SECONDS,
"iterator": {
"questionpos": 0, # 在trivia_calculate_scores函数定义其叠加
"IsGameOver": False
# Starts a state machine execution.
stateMachineArn=state_machine, # Amazon Resource Name (ARN)。ARN 是 AWS 资源的唯一标识符
players = get_players(game_id)
send_broadcast([p["connectionId"] for p in players], {"action": "gamestarted"})
return {
"statusCode": 200,
"body": 'Joined game.' # 在 HTTP 响应中,body 通常用于携带服务器返回的数据
step function是引擎,state machine代表其工作流
machine_input 中的key的名字不是关键字,可以自己定义
def lambda_handler(event, context): game_id = event['gameid'] questions = event['questions'] current_question_pos = event['iterator']['questionpos'] ...
参数就是传递给 Lambda 函数的machine_input
字典,Lambda 函数通过与machine_input