Releases: firebase/firebase-unity-sdk
Firebase Unity SDK 12.7.0
Prebuilt versions of the libraries are available for download here for a zip file, here for individual asset package, or here for individual .tgz
package for Unity Package Manager.
- Changes
- General (iOS): Update to Firebase Cocoapods version 11.9.0.
- General (Android): Update to Firebase Android BoM version 33.10.0.
- Crashlytics: Fix a problem with on-demand fatals blocking audio playback.
Firebase Unity SDK 12.6.0
Prebuilt versions of the libraries are available for download here for a zip file, here for individual asset package, or here for individual .tgz
package for Unity Package Manager.
- Changes
- General: Update to Firebase C++ SDK version 12.6.0.
- General (iOS): Update to Firebase Cocoapods version 11.8.1.
- General (Android): Update to Firebase Android BoM version 33.9.0.
- General: Update to EDM4U version 1.2.185.
- General (Android): Support 16 KB page sizes, needed by Android 15.
For more info, see
Firebase Unity SDK 12.5.0
Prebuilt versions of the libraries are available for download here for a zip file, here for individual asset package, or here for individual .tgz
package for Unity Package Manager.
- Changes
- General: Update to Firebase C++ SDK version 12.5.0.
- General (iOS): Update to Firebase Cocoapods version 11.6.0.
- General (Android): Update to Firebase Android BoM version 33.7.0.
Firebase Unity SDK 12.4.1
Firebase Unity SDK 12.4.0
Prebuilt versions of the libraries are available for download here for a zip file, here for individual asset package, or here for individual .tgz
package for Unity Package Manager.
- Changes
- General: Update to Firebase C++ SDK version 12.4.0.
- General (iOS): Update to Firebase Cocoapods version 11.4.2.
- General (Android): Update to Firebase Android BoM version 33.5.1.
- General (Android): Reduced minSdkVersion back to 23.
- Analytics: Add support for Parameters of Lists of Dictionaries, needed by some events such as ViewCart.
(#1056). - Analytics: Renamed ParameterGroupId to ParameterGroupID, to be consistent with other similarly named variables. ParameterGroupId is considered deprecated, and will be removed in the future.
- Analytics: Deprecated the Dispose functions, as they are no longer necessary for cleaning up memory.
- Auth (Android): Setting PhotoUrl to empty string or null with UpdateUserProfile clears the field, making it consistent with the other platforms.
Firebase Unity SDK 12.3.0
Prebuilt versions of the libraries are available for download here for a zip file, here for individual asset package, or here for individual .tgz
package for Unity Package Manager.
- Changes
- General: Update to Firebase C++ SDK version 12.3.0.
- General (Android): Update to Firebase Android BoM version 33.3.0.
- General (Android): Update the minSdkVersion to 24.
- General (iOS): Update to Firebase Cocoapods version 11.2.0.
- General: Update to EDM4U version 1.2.183.
- Messaging (Android): Fixed issue with TokenReceived not being called when the application has a cached token from a previous run. firebase/quickstart-unity#1088.
- Remote Config: Fixed ConfigInfo fields to default to 0 when not throttled or having previous fetch data. (#1058).
Firebase Unity SDK 12.2.1
Firebase Unity SDK 12.2.0
Prebuilt versions of the libraries are available for download here for a zip file, here for individual asset package, or here for individual .tgz
package for Unity Package Manager.
- Changes
- General: Update to Firebase C++ SDK version 12.2.0.
- General (Android): Update to Firebase Android BoM version 33.1.2.
- General (iOS): Update to Firebase Cocoapods version 11.0.0.
- General: Update to EDM4U version 1.2.182.
- Messaging: Deprecated the Dispose functions, as they are no longer necessary for cleaning up memory.
Firebase Unity SDK 12.1.0
Prebuilt versions of the libraries are available for download here for a zip file, here for individual asset package, or here for individual .tgz
package for Unity Package Manager.
- Changes
- General: Update to Firebase C++ SDK version 12.1.0.
- General (Android): Update to Firebase Android BoM version 33.1.1.
- General (iOS): Update to Firebase Cocoapods version 10.28.1.
- General: Update to EDM4U version 1.2.181.
- Analytics (iOS): Add support for
. - Messaging (Android): Fixed a potential race condition on receiving messages after cleanup. (#1030).
- Messaging (iOS): Fixed an issue with notifications being lost if they were received before Firebase Messaging was initialized. (#377).
Firebase Unity SDK 12.0.0
Prebuilt versions of the libraries are available for download here for a zip file, here for individual asset package, or here for individual .tgz
package for Unity Package Manager.
- Changes
- General: Update to Firebase C++ SDK version 12.0.0.
- General (Android): Update to Firebase Android BoM version 33.0.0.
- General (Android): Updated minSdkVersion to 23, and targetSdkVersion and compileSdkVersion to 34.
- General (iOS): Update to Firebase Cocoapods version 10.25.0.
- General (iOS): Minimum iOS deployment target is now 13.0.
- General: Minimum supported editor version is now Unity 2020.
- Auth: Remove deprecated calls involving
, most of which were appended with_DEPRECATED
. - Remote Config: Remove deprecated
, useConfigSettings.MinimumFetchIntervalInMilliseconds