Requests to join the WorkGroup goes here
Thanks for volunteering, here are some criterias to abide by to volunteer for all areas:
- You have used Flask extensively, in other words, you are invested in the framework. Exception is for events.
- You have used some extentions like flask_wtf, flask_sqlalchemy/sqlalchemy, wtforms alchemy
- Your Github/Gitlab/... profile is not empty
- You have the habit of writing code-related posts if you are contributing an article
- You have experience with helping on StackOverflow or similar or on help channels if you are contributing FaQs
- You have used Flask extensively as user or plugins author or long time contributor if you are helping with resources curation
- You have a 'nice' Github/Gitlab/... profile. By nice it means that: you have experience maintaining a known project or you have been contributing consistently to a known project
- You are responsible/moderator of a sizeable entity of a Discord/reddit or similar or you help a lot to answer questions.
Create an issue named:
Join request: @your_username
Write in it a brief intro of yourself as well as your Flask experience, the areas you volunteer for from (code, events, education, translation) as well as expounding how you fulfill the criterias above.
Once cleared, you'll be listed on the launchpad until you get involved!
To become a member of the WG, you must contribute to the community initiatives. Here's how:
Issues will be created on adopted projects. Solve the issues. After consistent work, you'll be added to the WG
If you did some past outstanding work on preparing Flask tutorials and courses, you'll be added to the WG. Else, a series of topics will be posted soon. You can PR articles on the topics. Based on the areas above for education viz blog posts, faqs and resources curation, after consistent work, you'll be added to the WG.
For events, when the time comes, just join as volunteer and help with the event to be included.
Just be a regular translator and the coordinator will add you as a member of the WG
You are responsible/moderator of a sizeable entity of a Discord/reddit or similar or you help a lot to answer questions.