What's New
- Request Panel > Script tab for pre request and post request script
- Improved plugin syntax
- Request Panel > Renamed "Description" to "Docs" and added markdown preview (closes #33)
- Plugin > alert(message)
- Plugin > adds readFile(path) for reading a given file path to string
- Auto complete for plugin methods in Plugin Edit Modal & Request Panel > Script > Pre Request + Post Request
- 1.3 MB bundle size reduction thanks to the new version of quickjs-emscripten-core
- Folder Properties > option to set headers & auth for all requests under that folder
- Request Panel > Address Bar > Multiple equal signs in url query params don't sync correctly to parameters - all data after equal sign is missing if there is more than one equal sign
- Plugin > setEnvironmentVariable doesn't update the environment object used by the request
- Response Panel > Request > long text overflows container and causes horizontal scroll - now it gets wrapped
For Ubuntu, snap can be installed using:
sudo snap install restfox
For macOS, the app can be installed using homebrew:
brew install restfox
For Windows, the app can be installed using:
scoop bucket add extras
scoop install restfox
NOTE: Not all the builds have been tested properly, so please create an issue if you encounter any problems.
Full Changelog: v0.8.0...v0.9.0