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YAVAT - Yet Another Video Annotation Tool

Yet Another Video Annotation Tool meant to be easy to use. Make frame-wise video event annotations fast and easy.

It focusses on simple time events only; not boxes, segmentation, ... An event is defined by a start a stop and optionaly a string label. Start and stop of events can only be on an exact frame timestamp. An event can be ponctual: one-frame wide.

It also allows showing timeseries imported from CSV/Excel/Json files.

Implementation in Python3. It uses PyQt6 and ffmpeg.


Version 1.8.1

  • Create/Edit/Delete Annotation Timelines.
  • Create/Edit/Delete Events on a timeline.
  • Move an event to another timeline.
  • Edit Event > Label > Annotation color.
  • Import One/Multiple Annotations from a CSV/Excel/Json file.
  • Move Annotations Up/Down
  • Drag Annotation as JSON-Formated text
  • Save/Load Annotations in a JSON-based YAVAT File.
  • Show named timeseries stored in the annotation file.
  • Show Current values in a grid.
  • Define/Save/Load Template.

TODO / Suggestions

  • Implement Template edition dialog.
  • Copy Current Values to clipboard.
  • Implement Annotation Grid (like in ELAN)

Getting Started


pip3 install -r requirements.txt

sudo apt install qtmultimedia
sudo apt install gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly gstreamer1.0-libav

Optionaly you can register the application and mime-type to associate yavat files with the application.

# register new mime-types
xdg-mime install --novendor --mode user application-x-yavat.xml
update-mime-database ~/.local/share/mime

# register icon for the mime-type & the default 'hicolor' theme
xdg-icon-resource install --context mimetypes --theme hicolor --size 64 assets/icons/yavat.png x-yavat
xdg-icon-resource install --context mimetypes --theme hicolor --size 64 assets/icons/yavat_template.png x-yavat-template
# if you use another theme, you need ALSO to register for your theme
# you can check what theme you are using with 
gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme
# update icons cache
gtk-update-icon-cache --ignore-theme-index ~/.local/share/icons

# register the application
cp yavat.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/
chmod +x ~/.local/share/applications/yavat.desktop
update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications

Launching the App

usage: [-h] [path]

positional arguments:
  path: (optional) path of a video or .yavat file.

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Application Shortcuts

UX has been designed to ensure that annotation experience is as fast and pleasant as possible. Shortcuts are provided to allow keyboard-only annotation. I use this tool a lot myself.


  • Space: Play/Pause
  • RightArrow: Move Forward 1 second
  • LeftArrow: Move Backward 1 second
  • Ctrl + RightArrow: Move Forward 1 frame
  • Ctrl + LeftArrow: Move Backward 1 frame
  • M: Mute/Unmute video.
  • UpArrow: Select previous timeline
  • DownArrow: Select next timeline
  • Ctrl: Hide event handles (handy to move a ponctual event).
  • Shift + RightArrow Goto the neareset event bound before the current position.
  • Shift + LeftArrow Goto the neareset event bound after the current position.
  • Ctrl + I Open Timeseries Import Dialog.
  • Ctrl + Wheel Up Zoom Out
  • Ctrl + Wheel Down Zoom In
  • Ctrl + Wheel Left Move Left
  • Ctrl + Wheel Right Move Right

When no Event on the selected timeline at the current time position

  • E: Add an Event starting at current time position
  • Ctrl + Shift + RightArrow: Move the right boundary of the nearest previous event forward to the current time position.
  • Ctrl + Shift + LeftArrow: Move the left boundary of the nearest next event backward to the current time position.

When a Range Event is active on the selected timeline

  • Delete: Delete the event.
  • Ctrl + Shift + LeftArrow: Move the left boundary of the event forward to the current time position.
  • Ctrl + Shift + RightArrow: Move the right boundary of the event backward to the current time position.

Importing Annotations

  • Timeseries : You can select any data column with int or float type to be imported as a new Timeseries.
  • Timeline Single : You can select any data column with number of distinct y-values <= 10 to be imported as a single new Timeline. Any continuous data chunks are grouped in a single Event. The YValue is used as Event's label.
  • Timeline Multi : You can select any data column with number of distinct y-values <= 10 to be imported as multiple Timelines. One timeline is created for each distinct y-value. Timeline's name is "COLUMN_NAME - Y_VALUE". Any continuous data chunks are grouped in a single Event and added to the corresponding named timeline.

About Event Color Hierarchy

Event color is specified in that order

  1. A color is set for this particular event (in event edition dialog).
  2. A color is set for this label on this timeline (in event edition dialog).
  3. A color is set for the timeline (in the timeline edition dialog).

Using Templates

A template is a list of default annotations configurations (name, color, ...). This allows to create and configure annotations for multiple video files. That way, you dont need to settup annotations for all videos when working in a project (save some precious time <3 ).

The template is automaticaly applied (1) after loading it from file, (2) when loading a YAVAT annotation file, (3) when loading a video file. When a template is applied, any missing timeline is created, timelines and timeseries atrributes are updated.

To build a template, you need (1) to setup annotations for a video, (2) set the template from the annotations, (3) save the template.


I welcome contributions from other developers to help me make this application even better.


This project is inspired by the tools I used or have tested.


Copyright (c) 2024 Florent TARALLE, YAVAT is released under the MIT license.


Yet Another Video Annotation Tool





