Analysator is a set of Python tools and scripts used to read and analyze Vlasiator output files (VLSV). Vlasiator and its related tools are developed at University of Helsinki, and are open source.
Analysator is now a package!
The packaged analysator is (should be!) backwards-compatible with previous analysator versions: export PYTHONPATH=[path-to-analysator-repo]
installation as before is still supported. import pytools
will import analysator onto the pytools name, and emits a deprecation warning.
- Clone the analysator repository:
git clone
- Install via
from the cloned path, sopip
will handle dependencies automatically. Using the editable flag is recommended for getting updates viagit pull origin
pip install --editable ./analysator
Nb. you are giving pip the root folder of your cloned repository, not some package on PyPi. --editable
will have your Python environment point at your Analysator repository. You can run this command from within a virtual environment, which is recommended.
Here's a full example of setting up a virtual environment with analysator:
git clone
python -m venv my_analysating_environment
source my_analysating_environment/bin/activate
pip install --editable ./analysator
With --editable
, you can update via git pull
as usual in your cloned analysator repo:
cd ./analysator
git pull origin
If --editable
flag is not available, regular pip install
should work, but in that case using export PYTHONPATH=[path-to-analysator]
is recommended if you wish to contribute to Analysator (and who wouldn't!).
For installing the correct VTK depencies, especially BVTKnodes support, use either of
pip install --editable ./analysator[vtk]
pip install --editable ./analysator[bvtk]
This requires you to handle dependency installation manually (as before, or see the shortcut below).
- Clone the analysator repository:
git clone
- Add to your
or similar
export PYTHONPATH=[path-to-analysator]
Contained example for Linux installation to user $HOME folder and .bashrc:
git clone
echo "export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$HOME/analysator" >> $HOME/.bashrc
You can update via git pull
as usual in your cloned analysator repo:
cd ./analysator
git pull origin
See requirements.txt
- pip install -r ./analysator/requirements.txt
will install all of them.
import analysator as pt # Import Analysator
# Navigating functions:
pt.calculations.pitch_angles? #press [Enter]
pt.vlsvfile.VlsvReader? #press [Enter]
pt.plot.plot_colormap? #press [Enter]
pt.plot.plot_vdf? #press [Enter]
# For non-interactive mode (also when no X is available):
# set the environment variable PTNONINTERACTIVE to any value before launching
# python/ipython. If in interactive mode, experimental non-blocking
# windows via matplotlib.pyplot.ion() are in use.
# For selecting a backend manually (if Agg or TkAgg is not available)
export PTBACKEND=Qt5Agg
# For disabling full LaTeX formatted output (if texlive is not installed)
export PTNOLATEX=1
For setting the default output directory (default: $HOME/Plots)
export PTOUTPUTDIR=/proj/USERNAME/Plots/
If using a jupyter notebook on the UH hub system, you can activate interactive plot windows with %matplotlib ipympl
or %matplotlib notebook
before importing pytools
Examples and instructions for batch scripting (on CSC's system) are found in
and examples/
Analysator is using logging. It is controlled by setting the enviroment variable ANALYSATOR_LOG_LEVEL Supported: DEBUG, INFO (default), WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL
For example, disable INFO prints via:
For more information visit the wiki:
Analysator reference:
For citations, use the DOI or the ready-made button the the right in GitHub!