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Merge pull request #42 from forcedotcom/cd/remove-view-test-res-from-… #174

Merge pull request #42 from forcedotcom/cd/remove-view-test-res-from-…

Merge pull request #42 from forcedotcom/cd/remove-view-test-res-from-… #174

Workflow file for this run

name: Agentforce DXs End to End Tests (disabled)
# workflow_dispatch:
# inputs:
# automationBranch:
# description: 'Set the branch to use for automation tests'
# required: false
# default: 'main'
# type: string
# testSidebar:
# description: 'Test Einstein Sidebar'
# required: false
# default: true
# type: boolean
# testBCG:
# description: 'Test BCG'
# required: false
# default: true
# type: boolean
# testAutoCompleteSetting:
# description: 'Test Autocomplete Setting'
# required: false
# default: true
# type: boolean
# testTestsGeneration:
# description: 'Test Tests Generation'
# required: false
# default: true
# type: boolean
# vscodeVersion:
# description: 'VSCode Version'
# required: false
# default: 'stable'
# type: string
# runId:
# description: 'Run ID of the workflow run that created the vsixes'
# required: true
# type: string
# workflow_call:
# inputs:
# automationBranch:
# description: 'Set the branch to use for automation tests'
# required: false
# default: 'main'
# type: string
# testSidebar:
# description: 'Test Einstein Sidebar'
# required: false
# default: true
# type: boolean
# testBCG:
# description: 'Test BCG'
# required: false
# default: true
# type: boolean
# testAutoCompleteSetting:
# description: 'Test Autocomplete Setting'
# required: false
# default: true
# type: boolean
# testTestsGeneration:
# description: 'Test Tests Generation'
# required: false
# default: true
# type: boolean
# vscodeVersion:
# description: 'VSCode Version'
# required: false
# default: 'stable'
# type: string
# runId:
# description: 'Run ID of the workflow run that created the vsixes'
# required: true
# type: string
# testSidebar:
# if: ${{ inputs.testSidebar }}
# uses: ./.github/workflows/runE2ETest.yml
# secrets: inherit
# with:
# automationBranch: ${{ inputs.automationBranch }}
# testToRun: 'testSidebar.e2e.ts'
# vscodeVersion: ${{ inputs.vscodeVersion || 'stable' }}
# runId: ${{ inputs.runId }}
# testBCG:
# if: ${{ inputs.testBCG }}
# uses: ./.github/workflows/runE2ETest.yml
# secrets: inherit
# with:
# automationBranch: ${{ inputs.automationBranch }}
# testToRun: 'testBCG.e2e.ts'
# vscodeVersion: ${{ inputs.vscodeVersion || 'stable' }}
# runId: ${{ inputs.runId }}
# testAutoCompleteSetting:
# if: ${{ inputs.testAutoCompleteSetting }}
# uses: ./.github/workflows/runE2ETest.yml
# secrets: inherit
# with:
# automationBranch: ${{ inputs.automationBranch }}
# testToRun: 'testAutoCompleteSetting.e2e.ts'
# vscodeVersion: ${{ inputs.vscodeVersion || 'stable' }}
# runId: ${{ inputs.runId }}
# testTestsGeneration:
# if: ${{ inputs.testTestsGeneration }}
# uses: ./.github/workflows/runE2ETest.yml
# secrets: inherit
# with:
# automationBranch: ${{ inputs.automationBranch }}
# testToRun: 'testTestsGeneration.e2e.ts'
# vscodeVersion: ${{ inputs.vscodeVersion || 'stable' }}
# runId: ${{ inputs.runId }}
# slack_success_notification:
# if: ${{ success() }}
# needs: [testSidebar, testBCG, testAutoCompleteSetting, testTestsGeneration]
# uses: ./.github/workflows/slackNotification.yml
# secrets: inherit
# with:
# title: 'Agentforce DXs End to End Tests'
# vscodeVersion: ${{ inputs.vscodeVersion }}
# testsBranch: ${{ inputs.automationBranch }}
# summary: '\n- test sidebar: ${{ needs.testSidebar.result }}\n- test BCG: ${{ needs.testBCG.result }}\n- test autocomplete setting: ${{ needs.testAutoCompleteSetting.result }}\n- test tests generation: ${{ needs.testTestsGeneration.result }}\n'
# result: 'All the tests passed.'
# workflow: 'actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}'
# type: 'e2e'
# slack_failure_notification:
# if: ${{ failure() }}
# needs: [testSidebar, testBCG, testAutoCompleteSetting, testTestsGeneration]
# uses: ./.github/workflows/slackNotification.yml
# secrets: inherit
# with:
# title: 'Agentforce DXs End to End Tests'
# vscodeVersion: ${{ inputs.vscodeVersion }}
# testsBranch: ${{ inputs.automationBranch }}
# summary: '\n- test sidebar: ${{ needs.testSidebar.result }}\n- test BCG: ${{ needs.testBCG.result }}\n- test autocomplete setting: ${{ needs.testAutoCompleteSetting.result }}\n- test tests generation: ${{ needs.testTestsGeneration.result }}\n'
# result: 'Not all the tests passed.'
# workflow: 'actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}'
# type: 'e2e'
# slack_cancelled_notification:
# if: ${{ cancelled() }}
# needs: [testSidebar, testBCG, testAutoCompleteSetting, testTestsGeneration]
# uses: ./.github/workflows/slackNotification.yml
# secrets: inherit
# with:
# title: 'Agentforce DXs End to End Tests'
# vscodeVersion: ${{ inputs.vscodeVersion }}
# testsBranch: ${{ inputs.automationBranch }}
# summary: '\n- test sidebar: ${{ needs.testSidebar.result }}\n- test BCG: ${{ needs.testBCG.result }}\n- test autocomplete setting: ${{ needs.testAutoCompleteSetting.result }}\n- test tests generation: ${{ needs.testTestsGeneration.result }}\n'
# result: 'The workflow was cancelled.'
# workflow: 'actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}'
# type: 'e2e'