🚀 Features
- Add useFormContext to inject typed forms closes #143 - by @logaretm in #143 (38a03)
- Added handleReset fn on the form returns closes #141 - by @logaretm in #141 (accc2)
- Added constraint validation attribute support for date, calendar, and select fields - by @logaretm in #147 (ce583)
- date: Initialize the known segments if they have one possible value - by @logaretm in #145 (a7646)
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Use true as contenteditable value on firefox - by @logaretm (e969b)
- Prevent date segment from having invalid part value - by @logaretm (8a27e)
- Negative signs affecting number parsing with date segments - by @logaretm (c3f2b)
- Compare the key property as well for keyboard events - by @logaretm (df355)
- devtools: Unhighlight node after a short timer - by @logaretm (c6e18)
- types: Default checkbox value prop type to boolean closes #144 - by @logaretm in #144 (bb014)