- .Net Core demos for major widgets
- AWS S3 backend for FileManager widget
- wjet cli tool update
- monthHeader property in the Calendar widget
- drag scroll during column drag-n-drop in the Datatable
Full list of changes and fixes
- Updated styling for buttons
- Optional fullscreen mode for all widgets
- Compatibility with SalesForce
- Promises for data saving operations
- Close buttons for Window widget
- Extended grouping functionality
- Unified API for Datatable column options
- Mentions in Comments widget
- Drag-n-drop events for dashboard
- Ability to style modal boxes
Full list of changes and fixes
- Tooltips are available for all widgets
- Ability to export charts and images to PDF
- Improved drag-n-drop
- webix.proxy, webix.alert and webix.confirm work with promises
- NodeJs backend for Spreadsheet and FileManager
Full list of changes and fixes
- Comments widget
- Major update for Kanban widget
- Full support of skins for all complex widgets
- NodeJs backend for package samples
Full list of changes and fixes
- New Material skin and its compact version
- ES6-based toolchain for code building
- Possibility to create a custom Webix build with necessary widgets both in GPL and PRO versions
Full list of changes and fixes
- GraphQL support
- Ability to draw various graphs in the Scatter Chart (points, lines, shapes)
- Handy interface for working with number formats in SpreadSheet
- WJet utility for faster prototyping with Webix Jet
Full list of changes and fixes
- Multiple updates and improvements in Webix SpreadSheet
- Enhanced compatibility of Jet views with Webix widgets
- Ability to select custom icon packs for stylesheets
Full list of changes and fixes
- Dynamic rendering for the List widget
- New Switch Button Form control
- Vertical mode and a moving title for the RangeSlider control
- The Sidebar widget is added to the main library
- New styling for the Pivot complex widget
- Improved performance of the Kanban Board complex widget
Full list of changes and fixes
- Numeric format for inputs and numeric data editors
- Multiple selection in Calendar and DatePicker
- GridLayout component
- The gridlayout-based Dashboard widget
Full list of changes and fixes
- Webix Jet 1.0
- Hint widget
- GeoChart control
- Vertical slider control
- Export to Excel includes styles
- Export to CSV for all widgets
- Improved accessibility and keyboard navigation
Full list of changes and fixes
- webix.print API
- Query Builder widget
- Demos for .Net, NodeJS and PHP
Full list of changes and fixes
- BulletChart integration
- DoubleList and FormInput widgets
- compatibility with ReactJS
Full list of changes and fixes
- VueJs integration
- ability to upload Folders
- export to CSV for all widgets
Full list of changes and fixes
- Gage widget
- RichText widget
- Exra modes for charts
Full list of changes and fixes
- ARIA compatibility
- Keyboard navigation for all widgets
- High-contrast theme
- DateRange control
- FlexLayout control
- Google Map control
Full list of changes and fixes
- "Frozen" rows in datatable
- Patterns for text inputs
- Area, Spline, Pie and Bar sparklines
- "Month" and "year" time pickers
- Webix Remote
Full list of changes and fixes
- AbsLayout widget
- DataLayout widget
- sparklines for DataTable and TreeTable
- ability to use JSON payload in Ajax calls
- drag-n-drop on touch devices
Full list of changes and fixes
- Spreadsheet widget
- Rangechart widget
- undo functionality
- export to PDF
- area selection
Full list of changes and fixes
- SideMenu widget
- SideBar widget
- TreeMap widget
- autowidth for menu and buttons
Full list of changes and fixes
- Visual editor
- Webix Jet frameworks
- Excel viewer
- PDF viewer
- export to Excel
- export to PNG
- SubViews and SubGrids
Full list of changes and fixes
- Support of Microsoft Edge
- Handling of complex data in Form widget
- Swimlanes in Kanban widget
- Total calculations in Pivot widget
Full list of changes and fixes
- Portlet widget
- MultiCombo widget
- Range Slider widget
- Advanced validation messages for forms
Full list of changes and fixes
- New material skin
- Barcode widget
- Organogram (organization chart) widget
- Badges and icons for list, buttons and menus (and views based on them)
- "Today" and "Clear" buttons are added to the date editor.
- Better default styling, ability to customize layout configuration
Full list of changes and fixes
- Data binding for Tree, TreeTable and TreeCollection
- Optional Today and Clear buttons in the Calendar
- Ability to define file types for file uploader
- Webix.ajax api can be used to fetch binary data ( file downloading by ajax )
- Optional hover for rows in datatable
- Improved scrolling on touch devices
Full list of changes and fixes
- Better compatibility with Bootstrap and jQuery
- Icon font contains 479 icons now ( Font Awesome updated to 4.2 )
- "strict" mode for Webix
- Datatable and treetable math can be extended with custom functions
- Uploader can work in Internet Explorer 8
Full list of changes and fixes
- Promises API for all ajax operations
- Progress bars and overlays
- Icons and close button in tabbar
- Improved keyboard navigation
- Extra locales added
- Package includes source map files
- [pro] PRO edition includes Pivot component
- [pro] Multiselect and multitext inputs
- [pro] Advanced editors for DataTable and Property views
- [pro] Colspans and Rowspans in DataTable
- [pro] Column menu in DataTable
- [pro] Optional custom scrollbars
- [pro] Grouped columns in DataTable
- [pro] Advanced filters for DataTable
Full list of changes and fixes
- IE12 compatibility
- Column Batches in the DataTable
Full list of changes and fixes
- Hotkey for inputs
- HTML links in menu
Full list of changes and fixes
###Responsive Layouts and Tabbar
- Layout view can be hidden or moved if there's not enough space for them on the screen. Check details.
- Tabbar tabs can be moved to a related popup if there're not enoght space for them on the screen. Check details.
###Disabling dates in Calendar
Calendar dates can be disabled to prevent their selection. Check details.
- webix.proxy.$callback was replaced with webix.ajax.$callback
- adjustHeaders deprecated
Full list of changes and fixes
datatable.locate method returns object with "row" and "column" properties, in previous version result object has "row" and "col" properties respectfully.
Default skin changed to flat ( you still can use the old skin by using skins/air.css )
Compact skin changed to flat theme as well ( old one renamed to skins/aircompact.css )
- text sorting mode for datatable
- autoheight property for "property" view
- ability to edit math formulas in the datatable
- "touch" mode for multiselect
Full list of changes and fixes
Parameters of onBeforeSync, onAfterSync was changed
onError event replaced with two new events - onBeforeSaveError and onAfterSaveError
- win8 touch support
- drag-n-drop on touch devices
- full support of REST API
- data in components can be updated from server side
- client side code can't be broken by server side errors anymore
- ability to set custom headers for server side calls
- better memory cleaning after component destruction
- improved API for complex forms
Full list of changes and fixes
- new skin for mobile UI
- functionality of desktop UI adapted to touch events and gestures
- adjustRowHeight method added to datatable
- fillspace can be used for multiple columsn
- richselect can be used as editor in the datatable
- checkboxes can have checkValue and uncheckValue options
[angular] webix-ui is compatible with ng-repeat
[angular] webix-data works for options in combo and select
[angular] init through angular directive links event handlers to the current scope
[backbone] handling of reset event
[backbone] handling of models with getters
[backbone] WebixView is compatible with backbone 1.1
[backbone] using sync with already loaded collection
Full list of changes and fixes
- mutli-column select box
- rich content select box
- loading and saving data through websockets
- loading and saving data through indexedDB
- window can have complex relation size and position (details)
- window can be shown in fullscreen mode
- autoConfig option for the datatable
- dataprocessor tracks data moving events
- keyboard navigation for list component
- correct sizing of layout with hidden pannels
- elementsConfig supported for nested collections
- getSelection deprecated in favor of getSelectionId
- better styling for icon buttons
- webix.onReady event
- webix.ui.zindexBase property added
- different small fixes in UX and styling
- 6 new skins added
- video player component (ui.video) added
- API and look of carousel control improved
- charts can use logarithmic scale
- small fixes
- webix-ui directive to define webix views directly in HTML
- webix-show, webix-event, webix-data directives to link webix components and scope
- webix component can be used with angular data bindings
- webix components can load data from Backbone Collections
- webix components can save data back to Backbone Collections
- WebixView, that can be used as normal Backbone View
- Backbone Router can be used to alter Webix Layouts
- setContent method for template component
- isolate configuration property for layout components
- onBeforeDropOut event added
- more than 50 different fixes
- all components can save data through REST API
- offline and caching loading strategies
- custom data saving and data loading transports
- "disabled" configuration options for all views ( including all form controls )
- webix.history can be used with multiview control
- per-submenu configuration is possible ( "config" property of menu item )
- improved visual filtering in treetable and tree
- onViewResize event added
- "disabled" option added for all views
- ability to define XSS safe templates
- popup's visibility on iOS
- incorrect sizing of multiview and accordion
- incorrect behavior of drag-n-drop in datatable
- setValue doesn't work for radio buttons
- getText method for datatable
- lineMaxLimit parameter that cuts a line in "non-item" position
- ui.fullScreen solution for FF
- default size of resizer changed
- xml parse can recognize arrays
- addView adds to the end of layout if index was not defined
- skin updates, important flags removed where possible
- csrf key now sent through http headers
- IE ignores hotkeys
- IE8 doesn't generated dblClick events
- IE8 sets invalid value after changing cell value with select editor
- minWidth and maxWidth settings from xml
- loading tree-like data from XML
- datatable do not allow to define order of columns during export to pdf and excel
- incorrect remove action for local and session storage
- regression in layout rendering when views are added through addView
- dataprocessor and id change during binding
- label align in segmented button
- incorrect in-layout positions after showBatch call
- invalid animations in FF and Chrome
- layouts are correctly shown when they are zoomed by a browser
- selectFilter can show data from the attached collections
- better strategy for x-layout rendering
- API calls against hidden items in menu
- init from html|xml markup improved
- dataprocessor can have different urls for different action
- value attribute for tabview
- getTopParentView method added for all views
- getPopup method added to the datepicker
- setHTML method added to the label
- setValue and getValue methods added to the multiview
- invalid size and focus of popup editors
- toggle button ignores inputWidth settings
- regression in treetable checkbox behavior
- regression in datatable markup parsing
- conflict between data and content properties of template
- row markers are not removed during clearAll
- mulitiview with no animation
- chart rendering in multiview (no animation case)
- label position in pie chart
- validation and htmlform control
- incorrect column autosizing in case of hidden container
- native selection during cell resize
- hideItem throws an error for menu's item which was already hidden
- incorrect handling of custom popups in editors
- sizing of scrollview was broken
- window ignores y parameter of show command
- dnd in tree as child