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Webix UI library is licensed under "GPL v3" licence http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-3.0.html
Starting from Webix 2.4, it possible to use a FLOSS Exception to the GPL License. This allows to use Webix in your applications distributed under MIT, BSD and other open source licenses.
- You CAN'T remove this license or webix attribution from source files
- You CAN modify provided code in any way which doesn't conflict with above statement
- You CAN use this lib for any private projects which you do not plan to share or sell
- You CAN use this lib for public projects, BUT in such case you MUST share the full client source code of your project if asked
- If you do not want to share sources then you need to obtain a commercial license
You can buy a commercial license and support subscription at https://webix.com
If you have questions about functionality of the component or have some issue with API and behavior of the component, you can get help at https://forum.webix.com
(c) XB Software Ltd. 2019