This assertion library extends beberlei/assert with convenient chaining functionality to improve error message details.
- Wraps all chained and non-chained assertion errors in the same exception object.
- Lazy validation with a defined root path (e.g. an object class name)
- Single assertions with a separate root path as a first argument
Use composer to install the library from packagist.
composer require fusonic/assert
Regular assertion with root path:
Assert::that('User', 'username', $username)->notEmpty()->length(10);
Chained lazy assertion with root path example:
->that($username, 'username')
->that($password, 'password')
Example output:
The following 2 assertions failed:
1) User.username: Value "" is empty, but non empty value was expected.
2) User.password: Value "1123" is too short, it should have at least 8 characters, but only has 4 characters.