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Firmware for the default sensor kit for the Linka project

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ESP8266 firmware for AireLibre

I want to flash my board with the latest firmware

Go to and follow the instructions

I want to build from sources

You can use PlatformIO or Arduino IDE to upload the firmware

PlatformIO (recommended)

Install PlatformIO and...

... in Visual Studio Code

  • Open the project with vscode having the platformio plugin installed
  • Click on the right arrow icon on the platformio toolbar

Right Arrow Icon on Platformio Toolbar in Visual Studio Code

... or in your terminal

platformio run -t upload

... if you want to upload via OTA, add the following lines to the platformio.ini

and the code will compile and upload to your connected device (it should be detected automatically)

upload_protocol = espota

and upload just like the previous method.

Arduino IDE

Install Arduino IDE and...

  • Open File -> Preferences and copy the following urls on the "Additional Boards Manager URLs" input text,

Additional Boards URLs on arduino IDE preferences

and click on Ok

  • Install the esp8266 boards family on Tools -> Boards Manager

Installation of esp8266 boards on arduino IDE

  • Select the corresponding esp8266 board on Tools -> Board: for example the "LOLIN(WEMOS) D1 R2 & mini"

Board selection in arduino Tools menu

  • Install these libraries by clicking on the Tools -> Manage Libraries...

    • WifiConnect Lite
    • PubSubClient (by Nick O'Leary)
    • ArduinoJson (important! select a version previous to 6.0.0, 5.13.5 i.e.)
  • Select the correct port on the Tools -> Port: menu

Port selection in arduino Tools menu

  • Upload the sketch using the arrow button or by selecting the Sketch -> Upload menu

Upload sketch in arduino Tools menu
