Two datasets need to be uploaded. The first dataset must be uploaded in a folder named RAIN_DATASET. The second one must be uploaded in a folder named RAIN_DATASET_2. In these two folders, the structure must be the following:
- two folders (one for training/testing data, one for validating data)
- in each of those, two folders that corresponds to the rain images and their corresponding clean image. Ensure that each pair of image have the exact same name, or change the code in the compress_images(2).py files in order to do so in teh next step.
These dataset need to be compressed to the format JPG with dimensions 540x480. To do so, we propose to use and It brings the same structure as before, unless adapted to your own datasets.
To train the network, you just have to run the file The ImageDataset class is defined in The u-net code is in the file, and the training code is in the file When you run the file, be sure that you specify a correct export_folder (line 38), that is used to export results such as the network. If you specify a folder that already exists, you may overwrite data. You must also be sure to indicate the correct path and classes of your training/testing data.
You should want to export result images via a virtual machine (quicker). To do so, you can use You should specify in line 10, the same folder as the training export_folder. You should also specify where your validation data is located, and the classes.
In your local machine, you can easily visualize results thanks to You need to import in your local machine the whole results folder, and specify its path in line 10. Then, you can see the worst, the median and the best image results, and a plot of loss/psnr over training epochs.