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The official Android App of the german e-prescription


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E-Rezept App

Table Of Contents

About The Project

Prescriptions for medicines that are only available in pharmacies can be issued as electronic prescriptions (e-prescriptions resp. E-Rezepte) for people with public health insurance from 1 July 2021. The official gematik E-Rezept App (electronic prescription app) is available to receive and redeem prescriptions digitally. Anyone can download the app for free:

Download E-Rezept on the App StoreDownload E-Rezept on the PlayStoreDownload E-Rezept on the App Gallery

or as an apk here in GitHub: Releases

Login is possible with the health card or the app of the users public health insurance company. In July 2021, the e-prescription started with a test phase, initially in the focus region Berlin-Brandenburg. The nationwide rollout started three month later in September 2022.

The e-prescriptions are stored in the telematics infrastructure, for which gematik is responsible.

Visit our FAQ page for more information about the e-prescription.

Release Notes

See for all information regarding the (newest) releases.

Getting Started

This section provides instructions on how to get started with the project, including setting up the development environment and building the application.


Before you can build and run the application, ensure you have the following prerequisites installed on your system:

  • Android Studio: The official IDE for Android app development.
  • Kotlin: The primary programming language used in this project. Android Studio comes bundled with Kotlin support.
  • Git: A distributed version control system used to manage the project's source code.

Getting the Project Code

To begin, clone the project's repository from GitHub using the following command in your terminal: "git clone" or by using the version control tool of Android Studio.


The following graphic provides an overview over the more important parts of the kotlin multiplatform project:

|-- app
|   `-- android
|       `-- src
|           |-- androidTest
|           |-- main
|           `-- test
|   `-- android-mock
|       `-- src
|           |-- androidTest
|           |-- main
|           `-- test
|   `-- demo-mode
|       `-- src
|           |-- main
|   `-- features
|       `-- src
|           |-- debug
|           |-- release
|           |-- androidTest
|           |-- main
|           `-- test
|   `-- test-actions
|       `-- src
|           |-- main  
|-- common
|   `-- src
|       |-- androidMain
|       |-- commonMain
|       |-- commonTest
`-- ui-components
    `-- src
  • app/android/src/main: includes build parameters for the android app.
  • app/android-mock/src/main: includes build parameters for the android app-mock (mostly used for testing).
  • app/features/src/main: includes the core logic of the android app. Including Screens, UseCases and Navigation.
  • app/demo-mode/src/main: includes the core logic of the demo-mode of the android app. Including all overwritten Datasources and UseCases
  • common/src/commonMain: includes the general logic of app. Most important the localDatasource and it's entities.


To create and install an unsigned debug.apk on your connected android device, run:

  • "./gradlew :app:android:assembleGoogleTuInternalDebug" in your terminal.
    • This will create an apk in the following path "app/android/build/outputs/apk/googleTuInternal/debug", which you can then install on your device
    • run "adb install app/android/build/outputs/apk/googleTuInternal/debug/android-googleTuInternal-debug.apk"
  • or click on the green "run"-Button in the top right of android studio.


The installed debug.apk can't communicate to connected servers. It's purpose is for local testing only. To show some data, you can enter the demo-mode via the settings. If you want or need an active app, please download a live version from the sources mentioned in the About The Project section.


See for all information regarding the the contributing process in this project.

Security And Privacy

See for all information regarding the used security and privacy guidelines in this project.


See for all information regarding the used license.


For endusers and insurant:

E-Rezept Webseite eMail E-Rezept E-Rezept Support Telephone

Members of the health-industry with functional questions

eMail E-Rezept Team

IT specialists

eMail E-Rezept Fachportal eMail E-Rezept Team

Additional Links And Sourcecode