Releases: geomarker-io/codec
Parcel Characteristics
Census tract-level measures of parcel characteristics for all residential parcles in Hamilton County, Ohio. Tract-level measures are derived from the data packages stored in the parcel
repository. Version 0.1.0 of the parcel
CoDEC data resource harmonizes cagis_parcels-v1.1.1
and auditor_online_parcels-v0.2.1
. View the metadata for each of these data packages for more information about their sources.
Parcel-level measures were aggregated to the tract level:
- median:
, and number of rooms - fraction of parcels: by land use type, by homestead flag
Parcel land use types were grouped into more general categories as follows:
- apartments:
apartment, 4-19 units
,apartment, 20-39 units
,apartment, 40+ units
,office / apartment over
- assisted housing:
metropolitan housing authority
,lihtc res
- condominiums:
condominium unit
,condo or pud garage
- single family homes:
single family dwelling
- two to three family homes:
two family dwelling
,three family dwelling
- other
What's Changed
- add ACS data resource by @cole-brokamp in #103
- add parcel data by @erikarasnick in #105
- pkgdown articles and figures revised
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.1.0
Parcel Characteristics
Census tract-level measures of parcel characteristics for all residential parcles in Hamilton County, Ohio. Tract-level measures are derived from the data packages stored in the parcel
repository. Version 0.1.0 of the parcel
CoDEC data resource harmonizes cagis_parcels-v1.1.1
, auditor_online_parcels-v0.2.1
, and property_code_enforcements-v1.0.1
. View the metadata for each of these data packages for more information about their sources.
Parcel-level measures were aggregated to the tract level:
- median:
, and number of rooms violations_per_parcel
since 2014; not all parcels in a tract have violations- fraction of parcels: by land use type, by homestead flag
Parcel land use types were grouped into more general categories as follows:
- apartments:
apartment, 4-19 units
,apartment, 20-39 units
,apartment, 40+ units
,office / apartment over
- assisted housing:
metropolitan housing authority
,lihtc res
- condominiums:
condominium unit
,condo or pud garage
- single family homes:
single family dwelling
- two to three family homes:
two family dwelling
,three family dwelling
- other
Average Drive Time to Cincinnati Children's
A census tract-level measure of drive time to Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center is derived using 6-minute interval drive time isochrones obtained from openroute service.
Each tract-level drive time is an area-weighted average of drive times.
Average Annual Daily Truck and Total Traffic Counts
AADT stands for Average Anual Daily Traffic. Aggregated at the neighborhood level, AADT is measured in vehicle-meter counts.
Data is downloaded from the 2020 Highway Performance Monitoring System geodatabase hosted by ESRI and AADT from F_SYSTEM
1, 2, and 3 is harmonized at the census tract level by summing the total (and truck-only) average annual daily vehicle-meter counts within census tracts in Hamilton County, OH.
More details:
Landcover, Built Environment, and Greenness
Taken from
Census tract-level measures of greenness, imperviousness, and treecanopy are derived from the National Land Cover Database (NLCD) and NASA MODIS satellite data.
Although year=2019
for this product, it is a compilation of other annual products with unique years denoted in the field names.
See for data source scripts.
Defining greenspace using NLCD land cover classifications
A grid cell is considered greenspace if its NLCD land cover classification is in any category except water, ice/snow, developed medium intensity, developed high intensity, rock/sand/clay.
Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI)
The Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) is a measure of greenness that ranges from -0.2 to 1, with higher values corresponding to more vegetation. A cloud-free composite EVI raster at a resolution of 250 × 250 m was created by assembling individual images collected via remote sensing between June 10 and June 25, 2018.
Harmonized Historical American Community Survey Measures
Select population, socioeconomic, and housing measures derived from the U.S. Census American Community Survey (ACS) are generally available from 2013 through 2022 and were selected to cover three domains:
- Population: number of kids, number of households (with kids), single-parent households, racial and ethnic composition, limited English speaking households
- Socioeconomic: education, income, poverty, employment, health insurance, public income assistance
- Housing: vacancy, age, value, tenure, rent to income ratio
Types of ACS measures
Measures and their definitions based on the census variable names are listed below. See the hh_acs_measures.R
file for more details.
n_households ~ B11005_001E,
n_households_children ~ B11005_002E,
n_housing_units ~ B25001_001E,
median_home_value ~ B25077_001E,
prcnt_poverty ~ B17001_001E / B17001_002E,
prcnt_recieved_public_assistance_income ~ B19058_001E / B19058_002E,
prcnt_family_households_with_single_householder ~ B11001_004E / B11001_002E,
prcnt_employment_among_civilian_workforce ~ B23025_004E / B23025_003E,
prcnt_housing_units_occupied_by_renters ~ B25003_003E / B25003_001E,
prcnt_median_rent_to_income_ratio_among_renters ~ B25071_001E,
prcnt_housing_units_vacant ~ B25002_003E / B25002_001E,
prcnt_white_and_not_hispanic_or_latino ~ B03002_003E / B03002_001E,
prcnt_black_and_not_hispanic_or_latino ~ B03002_004E / B03002_001E,
prcnt_white_and_hispanic_or_latino ~ B03002_013E / B03002_001E,
prcnt_black_and_hispanic_or_latino ~ B03002_014E / B03002_001E
Each of the derived ACS measures are expressed in one of three ways:
measures starting with
represent a number of something, such asn_household
- always rounded to the nearest integer
measures starting with
represent a fraction of some total, such asfraction_poverty
- bounded between 0 and 1
- always rounded to three decimal places (e.g. 0.064)
measures starting with
represent a median of a number in a population, such asmedian_income
- always expressed using three significant digits (e.g., 5,410 and 145,000)
Variables can be n_
, median_
or some other count, or prcnt_
which is a percentage type and is defined using a numerator and denominator.
Missing Data
Some data are unavailable in certain earlier years because the question was not included in the ACS that year. Additionally, data summaries may be suppressed by the census bureau.
Environmental Justice Index
The Environmental Justice Index uses data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to rank the cumulative impacts of environmental injustice on health for every census tract. ... The EJI ranks each tract on 36 environmental, social, and health factors and groups them into three overarching modules and ten different domains.
The ATSDR's Environmental Justice Index (EJI) was most recently released in 2022, but utilizes data from several older sources.
Note that although the EJI data has a year
of 2022 in the CoDEC data package, fields in the EJI are from different sources that are each actually older.
Find the full documentation of the EJI in PDF form here:
- Data download from as a geodatabase
- Data fields representing "estimates" (i.e., not "percentile" or "summed ranks") selected if not avilable elsewhere (e.g., not American Community Survey estimates)
- Field names were renamed to be longer and more descriptive
- Although this is the 2022 release, 2010 vintage census tract geographies and identifers are used in the EJI data
codec 2.0.0
What's Changed
- dpkg functions for curating, reading, and writing data by @cole-brokamp in #92
Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v2.0.0
CoDEC 1.0.1
deprecate crime risk measures