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Releases: geomarker-io/codec

codec 2.4.0

21 Feb 21:37
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.2.0...v2.4.0


24 Jan 20:30
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Voter Participation Rates

latest github release

Voter lists exported from are downloaded and converted into census-tract level voting participation rates for recent elections.

Semantic versions of this data resource are increased even when code does not change because voter list exports are updated and released every day prior to 9am.

  • Use pattern to download files; data will change depending on date of download, but script always uses the current date. (Note that historical voter records are not available using the VoterListExport URLs.) This may require separately visiting and requesting voter lists by clicking the "Export to CSV" button.
  • Assume that each voter's address represents their most recently registered address and may not reflect their registered address during older elections.
  • Concatenate AddressPreDirectional, AddressNumber, AddressStreet, AddressSuffix, CityName, "OH" and AddressZip to create voter_address.
  • Use the "voting history legend" described in the data documentation to dichotomize the voting status for each voter in each election. Voters were considered to have participated if they voted (either in person on election day, absentee, or early at an Early Vote Center) regardless of declared party affiliation (i.e., a non-missing value equals voter participation).
  • Use the address matching and street range geocoding in the parcel pacakge to match each voter_address with a Hamilton County census tract.
  • Calculate census tract rates of voter participation as the number of registered voters who participated divided by the total number of registered voters.

More info:


20 Dec 20:09
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Property Code Enforcements

latest github release for parcel dpkg

Census tract-level violations_per_addr (number violations divided by the number of residential addresses in each tract in Hamilton County, Ohio). Tract-level measures are derived from the property_code_enforcements-v1.0.1 data package stored in the parcel repository. View the metadata for each of the data packages for more information.


06 Nov 04:17
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American Community Survey Measures

latest github release for acs_measures dpkg


Select population, socioeconomic, and housing measures derived from the U.S. Census American Community Survey (ACS) are generally available from 2013 through 2022 and were selected to cover three domains:

  • Population: number of kids, number of households (with kids), single-parent households, racial and ethnic composition, limited English speaking households
  • Socioeconomic: education, income, poverty, employment, health insurance, public income assistance
  • Housing: vacancy, age, value, tenure, rent to income ratio


Types of ACS measures

Measures and their definitions are contained in hh_acs_measures.R.
Generally, each of the derived ACS measures are expressed in one of three ways:

  1. measures starting with n_ represent a number of something, such as n_household

  2. measures starting with prop_ represent a proportion of some total, such as prop_poverty

  3. measures starting with median_ represent a median of a number in a population, such as median_income

Missing Data

Some data are unavailable in certain earlier years because the question was not included in the ACS that year. Additionally, data summaries may be suppressed by the census bureau.

codec 2.2.0

05 Nov 04:25
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.1.1...v2.2.0


09 Dec 17:43
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latest github release for xx_address dpkg

Census tract-level measures of crime incidents (including property crimes, violent crimes, other crimes, gunshots, and reported shootings) in Hamilton County, Ohio. Tract-level measures are derived from the data packages stored in the xx_address repository, including crime_incidents-v0.1.2, shotspotter-v0.1.2, and reported_shootings-v0.1.0. View the metadata for each of these data packages for more information about their sources.

Jittered (within the same block) latitude and longitude corresponding to the location of each reported crime are available from each data source. Crimes aggregated to the tract level by summing the number of crimes for each tract. For higher resolution crime data, see the xx_address repository.


05 Nov 04:17
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Voter Participation Rates

latest github release

Voter lists exported from are downloaded and converted into census-tract level voting participation rates for recent elections.

Versions are tagged based on the semantic version of the code and the date on which the data is based separated by a hypen (e.g., 0.1-20241104 is the 0.1 version of the code that downloaded the voter records on November 4th, 2024).

  • Use pattern to download files; data will change depending on date of download, but script always uses the current date. (Note that historical voter records are not available using the VoterListExport URLs.)
  • Assume that each voter's address represents their most recently registered address and may not reflect their registered address during older elections.
  • Concatenate AddressPreDirectional, AddressNumber, AddressStreet, AddressSuffix, CityName, "OH" and AddressZip to create voter_address.
  • Use the "voting history legend" described in the data documentation to dichotomize the voting status for each voter in each election. Voters were considered to have participated if they voted (either in person on election day, absentee, or early at an Early Vote Center) regardless of declared party affiliation (i.e., a non-missing value equals voter participation).
  • Use the address matching and street range geocoding in the parcel pacakge to match each voter_address with a Hamilton County census tract.
  • Calculate census tract rates of voter participation as the number of registered voters who participated divided by the total number of registered voters.

More info:

codec 2.1.1

13 Sep 16:22
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.1.0...v2.1.1


13 Sep 16:01
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latest github release for xx_address dpkg

Census tract-level measures of crime incidents (including property crimes, violent crimes, other crimes, and gunshots) in Hamilton County, Ohio. Tract-level measures are derived from the data packages stored in the xx_address repository. Version 1.0.1 of the xx_address CoDEC data resource harmonizes crime_incidents-v0.1.1 and shotspotter-v0.1.1. View the metadata for each of these data packages for more information about their sources.

Crime measures were geocoded to the street range, then aggregated to the tract level by summing the number of crimes for all streets that intersect the tract. If a street range overlaps more than one tract, the crimes are counted for the tract in which the majority of the street lies.


13 Sep 16:21
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Property Code Enforcements

latest github release for parcel dpkg

Census tract-level violations_per_addr (number violations divided by the number of residential addresses in each tract in Hamilton County, Ohio). Tract-level measures are derived from the property_code_enforcements-v1.0.1 data package stored in the parcel repository. View the metadata for each of the data packages for more information.