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tdipisa edited this page Oct 11, 2012 · 1 revision

The Metadata Explorer uses the following libraries:

This component extends Ext.panel and uses widgets that interacts each other to provide the needed functionalities. Inside the panel there are

combobox for the catalog selection

search field : implements an "any text search" functionality.

advanced search panel : hidden at first, provides search filters for:

  • temporal extent
  • specific Bounding box
  • specific Dublin Core field

grid : lists, in pages(using CSW pagination), the records of the catalog. Each record can be expanded showing an abstract and three buttons:

View Metadata: if the record is releated with a GeoNetwork(GN) Resource, will be opened a new window in the web browser at the GN resource relative page. Else the application will open a panel showing all Dublin Core metadata avaible (only the CSW standard DC metadata)

View Map: if the record has a WMS resouce releated, using this control the user can add a layer to the map. (at the moment the application only opens a window that shows layer data)

Show BBox: if there is a BBox associated to the record, execute a zoomToExtent to the relative area of the map.

CSW mockup

The component must have cross browser compatibility between the following browsers

  • Firefox (last realese)
  • Chrome (last realese)
  • Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9
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