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@getsentry-bot getsentry-bot released this 22 Jan 15:46

API Changes

  • The native layer on mobile platforms (iOS and Android) no longer self-initializes before the Unity game starts. Previously, the SDK would use the options at build-time and bake them into the native layer. Instead, the SDK will now take the options passed into the Configure callback and use those to initialize the native SDKs. This allows users to modify the native SDK's options at runtime programmatically.
    The initialization behaviour is controlled by IosNativeInitializationType and AndroidNativeInitializationType options. These can be set from Runtime (default) to BuildTime to restore the previous flow and bake the options into the native projects. (#1915, #1924)


  • The SDK now sets the supported platforms in the .asmdef explicitely, preventing runtime issues on currently non-supported platforms (#1974)
  • Fixed iOS native SDK initialization that could cause memory management issues (#1964)
  • The SDK now properly sets up logging by respecting the debug settings set during the configure callback. Logs created during the configuration of the native SDKs no longer get lost ([#1959]getsentry/sentry-unity#1959)
  • ANR events now include the relevant mechanism they have been captured from (#1955)
  • On Android, the SDK not longer freezes the game when failing to sync with the native SDK (#1927)
