- Frontend Developer
- The rule of three C's: Coffee, Cats and Computers
- Always happy to help you grow your tech career through mentorship.
- Feel free to reach out, if you need any help!
- Dell Latitude 5490 14" (i5-8350U, 32GB, 1TB M.2 SSD)
- Dell Performance Dock - WD19DC
- LG ultra-wide monitor
- Visual Studio Code with the Dracula theme and Cascadia Code Nerd Font
- WebStorm with the same as above setup for similar experience
- Windows Terminal with Nord theme
- Figma
- Adobe Creative Suite
- Notion
- Standard Notes
- Streaks
- Brave browser
- KeePassXS
- PowerToys
- AutoHotKey with my own script to remap capslock to a FN key with tons of shortcuts