Live Demo:
♻️ Ecoleta - It is a way to connect companies and entities that collect organic and inorganic waste to people who need to dispose of their waste in an ecological way.
Register on the web by sending:
- an image of the collection point
- name of the entity, email and whatsapp
- and the address so that it can appear on the map
- in addition to selecting one or more collection items:
- lamps
- Batteries
- papers and cardboard
- electronic waste
- organic waste
- kitchen oil
- [Expo][expo]
- [Node.js][nodejs]
- [React][reactjs]
- [React Native][rn]
- [TypeScript][typescript]
$ cd server
$ npm install
$ npm run dev:server
#running at http://localhost:3333
$ cd frontend
$ npm install
$ npm run start
# running at http://localhost:3000
$ cd mobile`
$ `npm install`
$ `npm start`
# running in expo simulator