This add-on is a solution for integrating Human API into your Ember.js web app.
ember install ember-human-api
- Create Human API account:
- Define your appKey, clientId, clientSecret, and serverEndpoint in config.
ENV['human-api'] = {
appKey: '<app-key-goes-here>',
clientId: '<client-id-goes-here>',
clientSecret: '<client-secret-goes-here>',
serverEndpoint: '<server-endpoint-goes-here>'
###serverEndpoint After authentication on Human API's servers, a POST request is sent to the specified serverEndpoint with user credentials including humanId, clientId, and sessionToken. Configure the intended response on your server end and that will be the resolve of the connect() function.
###humanapi Inject the service where needed.
humanapi: Ember.inject.service()
makes a request to Human API to connect different applications to the specified user. For basic understanding of how Human API request works read:
Accepts opts as an argument. Passed in parameters should container clientUserId and publicToken (if applicable). Returns an Ember.RSVP.Promise which is either resolved with success containing the response from your server endpoint or error which explains why the request failed. It is used like this:
let user = this.get('model');
let opts = {
clientUserId: user.get('id'),
publicToken: user.get('publicToken')
this.get('humanapi').connect(opts).then(function(response) {
// response from your server
For more information refer to Human API docs:
- Write tests
- Queries
ember test
ember test --server
ember build
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