Add features of aspect-oriented programming (AOP) to jQuery.
jQuery AOP is a very small plugin that adds AOP features to javascript. It allows to add advices (Before, After, After Throw, After Finally, Around and Introduction) to any global or instance object.
- Allows to add Before, After, After Throw, After Finally, Around and Introduction advices.
- Allows to define point-cuts using regex to match multiple methods.
- Works with global function and object methods.
- Advices can be removed after being applied.
- Just 1091 bytes! (Packed and Gzipped)
- Integrated into jQuery.
Starting with jQuery AOP is really easy!
jQuery.aop.before( {target: String, method: 'replace'},
function(regex, newString) {
alert("About to replace string '" + this + "' with '" + newString + "' using regEx '" + regex + "'");
More samples on Reference...
The latest release of jQuery AOP includes:
- Support after throw and after finally advices
- some bug fixes
No breaking changes from 1.2.
This is a bug fix release, solving some minor issues reported. No breaking changes from 1.1.
The latest release of jQuery AOP includes two new features:
- Support for introductions
- and support for regex matching of method names!
The new regex matching support breaks compatibility with the previous version because now the weaving methods return an array of functions instead of just one function.
But don't worry! You can revert to the old behavior if you need to: more details on BackwardsCompatibility!