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Headless Commerce Demo



This repo contains the source code to demonstrate an example headless commerce application using Vue Storefront to bootstrap and example storefront and Commercetools to provide the backing services required for online commerce.


This codelab requires Node v14.x.x

Warning Newer versions of Node will throw errors while installing dependencies.

If you are running this codelab using Google Cloud - Cloud Shell Editor, run the following commands to switch to Node v14:

nvm install 14
nvm use 14

Running the following command should output the correct Node version:

node --version



Getting Started

Clone this repo and change your working directory

git clone
cd headless-commerce-demo


In order to run this sample, you will need access to a Commercetools account. Feel free to use an existing account or you can sign up for a 60-day free trial.

Commercetools Free Trial

NOTE: Please be mindful of the region you select for your Commercetools instance as this will be the location where your backend will live and should be closest to your end-users for a production instance.

After signing up, you should receive a verification email that takes you to the Commercetools Merchant Center to setup your account.

Commercetools is also available on the Google Cloud Marketplace making it easy to subscribe through the GCP console and have the billing added automatically to your monthly bill!

Import Sample Data

Clone Commercetools Repo and Add Tutorial Data

Commercetools has an existing sample dataset for their example Sunrise Store. We will be providing our own data but using the data import process Commercetools built to import our custom data into our Merchant Center.

Run the following commands to clone the sunrise data repo and copy our sample data over

git clone
rm -rf commercetools-sunrise-data/data
cp -r import-data commercetools-sunrise-data/data

Create Admin API Client

You will need to provide an API client with admin credentials to our import process to allow our scripts to generate the data required for our demo. Follow these steps to create and setup your Admin Client credentials.

  1. Go to your Merchant Center
  2. Go to Settings -> Developer Settings -> Create new API client
  3. Enter a name for your client (e.g. Admin Client)
  4. Choose the Admin client template
  5. Click Create API client
  6. At the bottom of the page, choose Environment Variables (.env) and copy the output
  7. Create a file .env in the commercetools-sunrise-data directory of this repo and paste the text from the previous step

Import The Data

Run the following commands to install the Node.js dependencies and run the import data script.

cd commercetools-sunrise-data
npm install
npm run import:data

NOTE: If you get errors in these scripts, you can clear the data with the following command and re-run the process again.

npm run clean:data

Run the Storefront

The storefront was bootstrapped with the Vue Storefront CLI. This provides a foundation to build an integrated storefront platform with Commercetools, rather than building from scratch.

Create Storefront API Client

In order for our storefront to communicate with the Commercetools APIs, you will need to generate a mobile API client for the storefront application.

  1. Go to your Merchant Center
  2. Go to Settings -> Developer Settings -> Create new API client
  3. Enter a name for your client (e.g. Storefront Client)
  4. Choose the Mobile & single-page application client template
  5. Click Create API client
  6. At the bottom of the Commercetools confirmation page, choose Environment Variables and copy the output
  7. Create a file in the third_party/storefront directory of this repo and paste the text from the previous step

Create Local Environment Variables for Secrets

Our local development server and deployment processes will use environment variables to reference our secrets to prevent hard coding them in our application.

Run the following commands to navigate to the storefront directory and set the local environment variables

cd third_party/storefront

Run Locally

Run the following commands to install the dependencies and start a local development server

npm install
npm run dev

Navigate to http://localhost:3000 to view the storefront!

Run on GCP

Traditionally, this process would be completed by a CI/CD pipeline and ran after a commit or pull request is merged. Additional files were added (.dockerignore, .gcloudignore) to prevent credentials from being pushed to GCP and instead are referenced locally from environment variables during command line process below.


The following is required to complete the next steps and deploy your storefront to Google Cloud Run

Environment Setup

Run the following command, replacing with your project id, to set the default project

gcloud config set project <PROJECT_ID>

Run the following command to set local variables for the deployment process

export PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects list --filter="$(gcloud config get-value project)" --format="value(PROJECT_NUMBER)")
export CLOUD_RUN_SA="$PROJECT_NUMBER[email protected]"

Enable Google Cloud Services

Run the following command to enable the required GCP services

gcloud services enable \ \ \

Store Secrets with Secret Manager

Use the following commands to create Secrets with Secret Manager so you can securely use them with Cloud Run

printf $CTP_CLIENT_ID | gcloud secrets create ctp-client-id  --data-file=-
printf $CTP_CLIENT_SECRET | gcloud secrets create ctp-client-secret --data-file=-

gcloud secrets add-iam-policy-binding ctp-client-id \
    --member="serviceAccount:$CLOUD_RUN_SA" \

gcloud secrets add-iam-policy-binding ctp-client-secret \
    --member="serviceAccount:$CLOUD_RUN_SA" \

Deploying to Cloud Run

Lets deploy our application! Use the following command to build a docker container and deploy it to Cloud Run using a single command!

Run the following command to build and deploy your source code using Cloud Build and Cloud Run

gcloud beta run deploy storefront --source=. \
  --set-secrets=CTP_CLIENT_SECRET=ctp-client-secret:latest,CTP_CLIENT_ID=ctp-client-id:latest \
  --region=us-east1 \
  --allow-unauthenticated \
  --platform=managed \

NOTE: If you receive a deadline exceeded error, run this command again


Delete Your Project

The easiest way to clean up your Google Cloud environment is to delete your project.

Run the following command, replacing with your PROJECT_ID, to delete your project

gcloud projects delete <PROJECT_ID>

Keep Your Project

If you want to keep your project and just remove the resources you created, run the following commands

Delete the Cloud Run service

gcloud run services delete storefront --region=us-east1

Delete Secret Manager secrets

gcloud secrets delete ctp-client-id
gcloud secrets delete ctp-client-secret

Disable the services

gcloud services disable \ \ \

NOTE: Cloud Storage buckets used for Cloud Build will remain, you can delete these manually if required.


See for details.


Apache 2.0; see LICENSE for details.


This project is not an official Google project. It is not supported by Google and Google specifically disclaims all warranties as to its quality, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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